What you need to do if you are offered a grant
Understand and accept the Offer of Funding
An Offer of Funding is emailed to you when you are awarded a grant.
An Offer of Funding includes:
- the amount being offered
- what you can use the funding for
- the period of time that you are allowed to use the funding
- any additional conditions of funding.
To be offered a grant, you must have read, understood and accepted our Terms and Conditions for the use of Creative New Zealand Contestable Grant Funding when you applied.
Supply a budget (if relevant)
If you apply to the Early Career Fund or the Development Fund for Artists and Practitioners, we ask you to supply a budget only if your application is successful.
Instructions on how to supply a budget are included in the notification email to successful applicants, along with their Offer of Funding
If you need help, read our guidance about how to create a budget or speak with an adviser.
Supply your payment details
Instructions on how to supply your payment details are included in the notification email to successful applicants, along with their Offer of Funding
Claim an additional access payment
If you identify as Deaf or disabled, or experience disability or an impairment, you can receive an additional access payment on top of your grant.
We offer the access payment to acknowledge the financial disadvantage many Deaf or disabled artists experience in creating, producing, and sharing their art.
The payment is for artists and arts practitioners who receive funding through:
- Early Career Fund
- Development Fund for Artists and Practitioners
- Creative Fellowship Fund
- Creative Impact Fund
The access payment is up to $5,000.
It is added on top of the grant amount, to help cover access costs such as NZSL interpretation, support workers or accessible travel. It may not cover all access costs, but it is a contribution towards these types of expenses.
Instructions on how to claim the payment are sent in the notification email to successful applicants, along with their Offer of funding
You do not need to disclose your disability or explain your access needs to receive this payment.
For more information Speak with an adviser
Acknowledge Creative New Zealand
You must acknowledge Creative New Zealand in all your marketing, promotional activities and published materials that are a result of, or about, your funding.
These activities and materials might include advertisements, media releases, posters, books, music scores, film credits, catalogues or album covers.
See how to use our logos
Creative New Zealand should also be acknowledged in any speeches relating to your funded activity, such as openings of festivals, book launches or exhibitions.
If you use your funding to carry out an activity that is part of a larger programme of activities, Creative New Zealand should be acknowledged specifically for your part in the larger programme.
Keep full and accurate records
You must keep track of your grant and the arts activities you have been funded to do.
That means keeping track of how you used the money and, if relevant:
- how many new artworks were created
- how many people were involved in an artistic capacity
- how many arts events were delivered
- how many people attended the events
- how many copies (e.g. books) were distributed
Report back on your grant
When we offer you a grant, we will let you know how and when to report back on it.
Make sure to keep track of your grant, and the arts activities you deliver, so it is easy to do your report.
For most of our grants, you will complete your report in the CNZ Portal.
Read about how to view your report in the CNZ Portal.
In your report you will:
- tell us how things went, and
- provide details and statistics for the arts activities you delivered with the funding.
Read about adding activity details and statistics to your report.
We use the information in your report to understand the outcomes and impact of our funding and report this to the public and the government.
It is a condition of your grant that you provide a report. If you don’t provide a report, you may not be able to apply for other funding.
Read the Terms and Conditions of Funding.
For advice about completing your report:
- Talk to an adviser, or
- Email reporting@creativenz.govt.nz