Find out what others are saying about giving donations.
New Zealand
Inland Revenue Department
Find all information about the tax incentives and requirements by typing “donation” into the search box.
The Charities Commission
This website has essential information about being a registered charity and your tax obligations as a charitable organisation.
Philanthropy New Zealand
Take a look in their ‘Policy & Regulation’ section to get a good overview of the tax benefits for donors.
CommunityNet Aotearoa
This website has a list of resources for community and voluntary organisations and is managed by the Department of Internal Affairs.
Generosity New Zealand (subscription required)
Payroll Giving (NZ Govt website)
Directory of Social Change (DSC)
This website from the UK is a good source of information for voluntary and community sectors worldwide.
The Foundation Center
This website links to a step-by-step resource on how to write a funding proposal.
Creative Partnerships Australia
Find out what is happening in Australia.
Arts and Business Website
This is a tax guide for making donations in the UK.