Creative New Zealand is subject to the Official Information Act 1982. This means we will make information available on request unless there is good reason for withholding it.
Before making a request for information
Before making a request of us please check our other sources of information. You may find the information you require is already in the following:
If you require support on an application please speak to one of our advisers
Funding decisions for the Creative Communities Scheme are made by district and city councils. Requests for this information should be addressed to the relevant district or city council.
How to make a request
Requests should include specific details of the information you wish to receive plus your name, postal address or email address. Your request should be sent to:
- Email:
- Post: Official Information Request, Creative New Zealand, PO Box 3806, Wellington 6140
The Office of the Ombudsman website provides a series of videos explaining the OIA in NZSL
How long will it take?
We will acknowledge your request as soon as practical and respond in 20 working days. The Act only allows for a time extension if extensive information is requested or third-party consultation is required. In all cases, we will let you know and give you a specific due date.
Withholding information
We may withhold information for specific reasons and will explain those to you. For further details please refer to sections 6, 9 and 18 of the Official Information Act.
If you are unhappy with our response contact us first. You have the right to seek a review of our response by the Ombudsman
Privacy Act
Creative New Zealand is also subject to the Privacy Act 2020. If you want personal information we hold, make a request as outlined above.
Official Information Act Statistics
The State Services Commission is working with the Office of the Ombudsman and government agencies, including Creative New Zealand, to increase compliance with the Official Information Act by publishing Official Information Act statistics
Number of OIA requests completed:
- 2019/20 - 49
- 2020/21 - 90
- 2021/22 - 53
- 2022/23 - 66
- 2023/24 - 35
- 2024/25 - 22 (as at 31 December 2024)
Number of OIA requests not completed within the legislated timeframe:
- 2019/20 - 4
- 2020/21 - 0
- 2021/22 - 0
- 2022/23 - 0
- 2023/24 - 0
- 2024/25 - 0 (as at 31 December 2024)
Number of OIA complaints notified by the Ombudsman:
- 2019/20 - 1
- 2020/21 - 0
- 2021/22 - 0
- 2022/23 - 1
- 2023/24 - 2
- 2024/25 - 0 (as at 31 December 2024)
Number of Ombudsman final reviews against Creative New Zealand:
- 2019/20 - 0
- 2020/21 - 0
- 2021/22 - 0
- 2022/23 - 0
- 2023/24 - 0
- 2024/25 - 0 (as at 31 December 2024)
Creative New Zealand is committed to openness and transparency in all our work. We take our obligations under the Official Information Act seriously and are committed to the principles of the Open Government Partnership
Information Releases
The Official Information Act (OIA) allows New Zealand citizens and permanent residents, or anyone in New Zealand, to request official information from the government. For areas where there is a high degree of public interest, we may choose to publish OIA responses or other information proactively.
Date: 5 December 2022
Redactions: Nil
Date: 2 November 2022
Redactions: Some information has been withheld under the OIA to protect the privacy of natural persons and information subject to an obligation of confidence. Where this is the case, the relevant section of the Act is identified. Where information was withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.
Date: 30 July 2020
Document: Creative New Zealand response to open letter about the New Zealand Review of Books pdf. 440KB
Redactions: Nil
Date: 14 May 2020
Redactions: Nil
Date: 18 December 2019
Redactions: Nil
Date: 18 December 2018
Redactions: Nil