05 May 2023

Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa is calling for public nominations for ngā toi Māori artists, arts practitioners to be recognised at this year’s Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards 2023.
The purpose of Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards is to recognise artistic excellence, achievement and the contribution of Māori artists working in customary and contemporary ngā toi Māori to Aotearoa New Zealand.
While we don’t like to talk of our sweetness, this is a great opportunity to recognise mātanga, ringatoi and kaumātua within your community who are continuing to contribute to our country through ngā toi Māori.
Three awards are open for public nomination from 5 May to 12 June 2023:
- Ngā Tohu Hautūtanga Auaha Toi – Making a Difference Award – recognises leadership and outstanding contribution to the development of new directions in ngā toi Māori - three recipients – Award amount $10,000
- Ngā Manu Pīrere – recognises an emerging Māori artist - three recipients – Award amount $10,000
- Te Tohu Iho Pūmanawa – recognises the contribution of a tāngata whaikaha, deaf or disabled Māori artist - one recipient – Award amount $10,000.
“He kaupapa whakahirahira ngā toi ki a tātou katoa – He mana toi, he mana tangata – i ngā wā e pūāwai ana ngā ringa toi me ngā toi, ka pūāwai ngā tāngata. Ko Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi he kaupapa e whakanui ana i ngā ringa toi Māori autaia rawa atu nō ngā pito katoa o te motu me te whakanui hoki i tā rātou whakapau kaha ki tō tātou porihanga, ōhanga, tuakiritanga, whai wāhitanga me te oranga tonutanga" hei tā Haniko Te Kurapa Senior Ngā Toi Māori Advisor
“I te tau kua hipa, i waimarie a Toi Aotearoa ki te mahi tahi, ki te tautoko hoki i ngā ringa toi nō te kāhui Manu Pīrere. I kaha kitea te pitomata, ā, tae rawa mai ki tēnei tau kua pūāwai, kua whai huruhuru e rere ai ngā manu nei ki te ao. Ko Ngā Taonga Toi o Te Waka Toi he kaupapa e mihia ana ngā mahi kua mahia e ēnei manu pīrere, nā reira, ko tā mātou ki ngā whānau, ki ngā hoa, ki ngā hapori, ki te minenga kia tautokohia ēnei ringa toi mā te tuku i ō rātou ingoa ki ngā tohu nei.”
Full details and nomination forms are available on here on our website
Nominations close Monday 12 June, 1pm.