Read this together with the guidelines for adding Activity statistics.
Title and Description
Enter the title or a name of the arts activity and a brief description.
For example:
Title: Art exhibition
Description: towards a four-week exhibition of new work by emerging artists at an artist-run space in Whanganui
Title: Development of a novel
Description: towards six months developing the first draft of a manuscript for a new novel
Title: Professional development
Description: towards 12 months of mentoring
Activity type
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list.
Creating or developing artwork
Use this activity type for activities such as writing a play, developing the choreography for a dance work, creating a series of sculptures, or writing a novel.
Exhibiting or Performing
Use this activity type for activities such as staging an art exhibition, concert, or play.
Use this activity type for activities such as producing, printing and distributing a novel, a children’s book or an art book.
Skills development
Use this activity type for activities such as delivering or participating in workshops or masterclasses for developing artistic or professional skills.
Developing audiences or markets
Use this activity type for activities such as audience outreach programmes or attending an arts market or art fair.
Providing services
Use this activity type for activities such as delivering professional development initiatives, seminars or advice to artists.
Use this activity type for activities such as doing desk research or interviews in preparation for writing a book or making an artwork
Use this activity type for activities such as making audio, visual or electronic recordings of an artwork, album, podcast, live performance or audiobook.
Documentation, Discourse or Archiving
Use this activity type for activities such as producing catalogues, writing and publishing art reviews, or archiving an artist’s work.
Sustainability and development
Use this activity type when the funding is used to cover an artist’s living costs while they develop their practice, or to fund the operational costs of an arts organisation while they develop their capability or deliver a programme of work.
Read about the activity statistics that go with each of these activity types.
Artform and Genre
Select the most relevant artform from the drop-down list.
Next, select the most relevant genre, or leave it blank if there is no relevant option to select.
Read more about the artforms we support.
Strategic outcome
Creative New Zealand’s long-term goals are called Strategic outcomes.
Select the Strategic outcome that most closely matches the activity.
High-quality New Zealand art is developed
Use this Strategic outcome for activities such as writing a manuscript, or composing a piece of music, or creating a series of paintings.
New Zealanders experience high-quality arts
Use this Strategic outcome for activities such as putting on an art exhibition or a performance.
New Zealanders participate in the arts
Use this Strategic outcome for activities such as running creative workshops or wānanga for the public or communities, so they can express themselves artistically.
New Zealand arts gain international success
Use this Strategic outcome for activities such as developing your arts practice through international cultural and artistic exchange or attending an international arts market or presenting artwork to an international audience.
New Zealand’s art sector is resilient
Use this Strategic outcome for activities such as running or participating in professional development initiatives that help people in the arts sector to adapt to change and embrace opportunities.
Add one or more of the following, if relevant.
Ngā Toi Māori work
Use this tag for activities involving artwork that:
- reflects, promotes, and is rooted in Māori culture, traditions, and worldviews
- is produced by Māori artists or in collaboration with Māori communities, embodying te ao Māori principles and values.
Pacific work
Use this tag for activities involving artwork that:
- represents, celebrates, and is informed by Pacific cultures, values, and traditions
- is created by artists of Pacific heritage or in collaboration with Pacific communities.
New Zealand work
Use this tag for activities involving artwork that:
- reflects New Zealand’s unique identity, heritage, and culture (other than Māori and Pacific work)
- is created by or about New Zealanders or resonates with New Zealand audiences.
Select one location for each activity.
An activity location can be a city or district council, an overseas country or region, or National or Online.
Touring activity
If your activity is part of a tour of up to four locations, complete the activity details and statistics for the first location.
Then click Clone to create a copy of the activity and add the next location’s details and statistics.
Repeat until you have created separate activity records for each tour location.
If the same activity took place in five or more locations, choose ‘National’ as the location and combine the details and statistics within one activity record.
National activity
Choose National as the location if the reach of the activity is not limited to a region. This includes all publishing and recording activities.
Online activity
Choose Online as your activity location if your art is distributed or accessed online.
Start and end date
Select the date the arts activity started and ended within the fund period.
If the activity is ongoing, select the date the funding period started and ended.