21 Mar 2022

Do you or someone you know have the skills and experience to help transform the digital capacity of Aotearoa New Zealand’s arts and cultural sector?
We’re calling for Registrations of Interest from potential providers who could deliver services to artists and arts organisations to maximise opportunities associated with digital technologies. If you’re a provider that could deliver this kind of service to the arts community, get in touch by 12 noon 14 April 2022.
More information below.
He pūkenga wai, he nōhanga tangata. He nōhanga tangata, he pūkenga kōrero.
Where the rivers meet, people come together. When people come together, there is debate and learning.
What's happening and why
Through a new initiative, we’re aiming to connect the arts and cultural sector with emergent digital technology to transform the sector’s ability to create, distribute and reach new audiences.
The exciting possibilities offered by combining creativity and arts practice with digital technology continue to grow. With the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on the arts community – especially live performance – it’s become even more important to support building the sector's capability in the digital space.
At Creative New Zealand we’re planning to support a digital commissioning and capability service for the arts sector that incentivises this potential and fills the gaps within the current creative digital eco-system.
The Arts Council has approved taking a first step to engage with those who can or could provide services in this space.
We’re currently seeking Registrations of Interest (ROI) until 12 noon 14 April 2022.
Find out more about this opportunity and how to register your interest on the GETS website
We’re casting the net wide as part of this first stage, and welcome questions from those potentially interested by 12 noon 4 April 2022 (to allow time for people to process answers before the ROI closes). Please email: capability@creativenz.govt.nz.
Following approval from our Council we’ll invite a shortlist of potential providers to submit Requests for Proposals to provide this digital service.
What could this do for the arts?
Through this initiative we want to see:
- access to arts and culture in Aotearoa improved
- improved resilience for the arts and culture sector in Aotearoa
- new or improved commercial opportunities developed within the arts and culture sector, including export opportunities
- improved innovation in New Zealand arts practice.
This Digital Service should enhance the mana of people and communities, guided by the intellectual traditions, knowledge and tikanga of Tangata Whenua – alongside Tangata Tiriti and conventional Government approaches – acknowledging our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
What we're looking for
The successful provider will see the potential of digital in the arts, be knowledgeable about the arts sector, have the cultural capability and knowledge, and have the business skills and nous to identify opportunities and provide support.
We’d like this digital service provider to:
- commission digital content/art across multiple platforms and provide immersive or interactive experiences
- broker partnerships and networks across industries, nationally and globally, to develop or realise a project
- assist arts organisations and artists to increase, diversify and deepen audiences, as well as access new platforms for digital content
- remove barriers to engagement and ensure that digital content is available to the broadest range of New Zealanders – including making sure that content can be accessed by those with disabilities and that it reaches communities of high users (eg young Pasifika artists/arts organisations)
- include co-leadership by Māori, consistent with our commitment under Te Tiriti o Waitangi for Council and iwi/Māori to work with each other in a strong and enduring relationship
- provide training or skills development in digital engagement – such as e-commerce platforms, digital rights, digital safety, and Intellectual Property (including preservation and protection of Mātauranga Māori)
- consider new business models for monetising digital arts experiences.
The digital service will give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The digital service provider will value and acknowledge the cultural and creative practices from Aotearoa and the wider Pacific – including an understanding of mātauranga, whakapapa, connection with communities and mana tuku iho (identity and belonging) – for the contribution they make to our wellbeing (social, cultural, environmental, and economic).
A full list of required attributes is included in the ROI. If you don’t have all the attributes, you can tell us how you would gather this knowledge or partner with others.