24 Mar 2022

Individual artists and arts practitioners will be able to apply for funding to help build business skills that will make their creative careers more sustainable, through a new fund being offered by Creative New Zealand from 28 March.
The Building Business Capability for Individual Practitioners Fund 2022 offers individual artists and arts practitioners grants of between $5,000 and $10,000 to develop business skills that will have a long-term impact on their creative career.
Creative New Zealand Senior Manager, Arts Development Services Cath Cardiff says, “We’re thrilled to offer this new fund, specifically for individual artists and arts practitioners, to help them build their business skills, stay relevant to audiences and become more resilient to changing environments.”
“This fund has been developed in direct response to the current needs of individual practitioners, who have been significantly impacted by COVID, while also helping to build the longer-term sustainability of the independent sector.”
The fund supports a wide range of capability building activities, including financial and business expertise, professional development, training to develop manawaroa/resilience, cultural competence and inclusion, and digital skills and tools to support the capability building activity.
The introduction of the fund is also an early step in supporting implementation of our first Remuneration Policy for Artists and Arts Practitioners. The policy reinforces the rights of artists and arts practitioners to fair remuneration for their work, and sets out principles and practice guidelines that can also be used by artists and practitioners. The fund will help artists and arts practitioners develop the business skills needed, for example, to negotiate contracts, value their work or protect their intellectual property.
The fund does not support the development of artistic practice, which can be supported through the organisation’s Arts Grants funding programme and other opportunities.
Information about the fund is available now, ahead of its opening for applications on 28 March. We’re making the details of the fund available well ahead of the opening date to enable potential applicants to develop their capability building projects ahead of time, identifying the skills they need and exploring how the project can be achieved.
A total of 100 applications can be submitted, meaning the fund may close early.
Projects must start after 3 June 2022, following notice of a successful application, and be completed by 2 June 2023.
Read more about the Building Business Capability for Individual Practitioners Fund 2022
Read some frequently asked questions about the fund: Updated 23 March 2022 (pdf 209KB)
View a powerpoint overview of the fund from our Q&A, Zui and Zono