17 Sep 2020

For the first time, Te Putanga Toi Arts Access Awards 2020 will be presented online instead of live on Tuesday 13 October. With the ongoing uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, Arts Access Aotearoa will go digital so it can be sure the awards can be presented.
Richard Benge, Executive Director of Arts Access Aotearoa, says Te Putanga Toi Arts Access Awards play an important role in profiling excellence and leadership in the arts sector and disabled communities. They also highlight leaders in the use of the arts as a tool supporting the rehabilitative process of prisoners and their reintegration back into society on release.
"We’re excited to present the awards ceremony differently this year and make the most of the opportunities to reach a much wider audience," he says. "Rest assured, we will be celebrating and promoting the recipients of the Arts Access Accolade and six award recipients as much as ever."
Arts Access Aotearoa has employed Multi-Media Systems to create and produce a prerecorded video of the event. It will be sign interpreted and captioned, and an audio described option will also be available.
There will be regular updates on Arts Access Aotearoa’s website in the build-up to the online event. The link to Te Putanga Toi Arts Access Awards will feature on this webpage, starting at 6.30pm Tuesday 13 October and celebrating the recipient of this year’s Arts Access Accolade and the six award recipients.
Arts Access Accolade and six awards
The Arts Access Accolade is chosen by Arts Access Aotearoa’s staff and board. It’s presented to an individual who has worked closely with the organisation, inspiring and helping it achieve its vision of a society where everyone in Aotearoa can access and participate in the arts.
The other six awards are selected by a judging panel. The awards to be presented:
- Arts Access Creative New Zealand Community Arts Award, recognising the outstanding results of a recent collaborative, inclusive arts project
- Arts Access PAK’nSAVE Artistic Achievement Award, recognising the outstanding achievements and contribution of a New Zealand-based artist
- Arts Access Holdsworth Creative Space Award, recognising the outstanding contribution and impact of a creative space
- Arts Access Creative New Zealand Arts For All Award, recognising a professional performing arts company, festival, literary event, venue, producer or gallery that best demonstrates its commitment becoming more accessible to and inclusive of Deaf and disabled people
- Arts Access Corrections Māui Tikitiki ā Taranga Award, recognising an individual who works or volunteers for Corrections, demonstrates the qualities of Māui and provides arts programmes in a New Zealand prison that reflect cultural inclusion and diversity
- Arts Access Corrections Whai Tikanga Award, recognising the outstanding contribution of a community group, organisation or individual working in a prison or Community Corrections setting, and using tikanga and the arts to encourage a strong cultural identity and support pro-social living.