09 Jun 2014

The McCahon House Trust is calling for applications from outstanding emerging and midcareer professional visual artists for the McCahon House Artists’ Residency programme.
Three residencies, each of three months duration, are available between June 2015 and June 2016. The deadline for applications is Monday 11 August 2014.
The future potential of artists will be a major factor in the panel's choice. The selectors must believe that the recipients of the residency have the potential to reach national and international standing and that the opportunity afforded by this residency will contribute to that potential.
The nominated artists will live and work in the purpose built artist residency located adjacent to the historic former home of Colin McCahon and receive a stipend from Creative New Zealand. It is an opportunity to focus on developing their arts practice within the French Bay, Titirangi environs that inspired Colin McCahon’s work during 1950’s.
This round is the first year the selection criteria will open to include moving image in a visual arts context. This decision is in acknowledgment of the significance that moving image and digital formats have in contemporary visual art practice.
Conditions of Award: Residencies are open to outstanding artists who, in the opinion of the panel, meet the following criteria:
- Are New Zealanders or New Zealand residents
- Have a sufficient body of work, which clearly demonstrates a significant level of talent.
- Would benefit from the opportunity to undertake the residency.
- Have a history of exhibiting, which has resulted in significant critical evaluation and acclaim.
- Are able to reside and work full time at the McCahon House site in French Bay, Titirangi, Auckland, during the term of the residency.
Full criteria and application guidelines are available on the McCahon House website.
Successful artists will be notified 30 October 2014.
For further information, please contact:
Diane Blomfield
Residency and Trust Manager
(09) 817 6148 | 027 472 1346
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