16 Feb 2016

Three emerging to mid-career New Zealand curators will be selected to visit leading art museums, galleries and artist spaces in Korea and China over a three-week period to build their professional networks and explore possible future collaborations and artistic exchanges.
The Foundation will arrange formal programmes in each city in collaboration with contracted local arts experts. The programme will include meetings, studio and gallery visits, and event attendance.
The participating curators are expected undertake their own research and provide input into the itinerary prior to the tour.
The curators will be expected to share what they have learned on the tour on their return to New Zealand.
Why we offer the tour
The purpose of the tour is to assist curators to:
- Develop and share market knowledge of the contemporary art of Korea and China and its relevance for a New Zealand audience
- Increase awareness of cultural and artistic practice in Asia
- Explore opportunities for NZ artists to have work exhibited in Korea and China
- Explore opportunities for exchange and/or joint exhibitions/projects
- Develop their own curatorial practice and build professional networks.
What is funded
We will offer each curator:
- Return economy class airfares
- Professional guides
- Accommodation
- Per diems
- Ground transport.
Selected curators may need to contribute an additional amount to cover all costs.
Who can apply
To apply, curators must:
- Show a desire to work with artists from Asia, learn about Asian art and explore opportunities for collaboration.
- Have support from their institutions, or, in the case of independent curators, an expression of interest from a gallery in a specific project area
- Demonstrate a track record in terms of knowledge of New Zealand arts and curatorial practice
- Demonstrate how the trip will impact on their professional development
- Be prepared to share information from the tour on their return to New Zealand
- Be available to complete the tour and have no date restrictions - the tour will take place around August 20 to September 11 2016. (Exact travel dates TBC)
- Have a current passport, with six months validity from August 2016
- Be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
Previous participants are eligible to apply; however, they will need to provide information about specific projects they are interested in progressing.
How to apply
To apply, complete the application form and send it along with all relevant documentation and materials VIA DROPBOX to project officer culture mturner@asianz.org.nz (www.dropbox.com)
Compiling all documents into one PDF is preferred if you are able.
Applications must be received by 5pm MONDAY 14 MARCH
Applications via Dropbox is preferred but if you need to send hard copies deliver them to:
Monica Turner
Asia New Zealand Foundation
PO Box 10144
Wellington 6143
Monica Turner
Asia New Zealand Foundation
Level 16, Fujitsu Tower
141 The Terrace
Monica Turner, Asia New Zealand Foundation
(04) 815 8439
Related links
- Find out about last year's participants
- Read an interview of Emma Ng discussing the 2015 tour
- Read Abby Cunnane's account of a day in Beijing on the 2015 tour
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