14 Jun 2016

The rise of the star cluster known as Matariki signals the launch of MDF 2016 – the Matariki Development Festival produced by Tawata Productions, funded by Creative New Zealand. Now in its seventh year, the Matariki Development Festival is an international script development festival and has featured new works by tangata whenua writers from Aotearoa, Australia and Canada. MDF 2016 is proud to announce the following events, which are open to the public, and free to attend:
The artist's panel will be a discussion by international guests from Australia and Canada. They will explore indigenous theatre, current creative economies, vehicles for playwriting and the future of aboriginal work on stage. This panel will be hosted by Ryan Cunningham, Artistic Director of Native Earth Performing Arts, Toronto.
In 2016, MDF is partnering with Sydney based Moogahlin Performing Arts, formed in Redfern, Australia in 2007, by a group of indigenous theatre artists, educators and community workers in honour of the late Kevin Smith's request and in memory of the founding members of the Black Theatre. Moogahlin is presenting a reading of ’Cuz’ by Billy McPherson, previously workshopped at Yellamundie Festival 2013. The work is being further developed for a season in 2018.
In 2016, the festival will also present new writing by Hōhepa Waitoa with ‘He Kura E Huna Ana’, Jamie McCaskill with ‘The Biggest’, Mīria George with ‘The Night Mechanics’, as well as a Monologue Season with new writing by Errol Anderson, Manuel Solomon and Natala Gwiazdzinski.
The Matariki Development Festival 2016 proudly partners with Tawata Productions, Taki Rua Productions, Toi Māori Aotearoa, Moogahlin Performing Arts Incorporated, Australia Council, Creative New Zealand and Playmarket.
Nau mai, haere mai.