30 Apr 2009

<p>Amateur photographers are invited to submit up to three photos in the Pacific Island Heritage in Focus international photo contest. Entries will be formally displayed and shots that best represent the theme will be published in a Pacific Island Heritage 2010 Calendar. The contest is part of the Pacific Island Archaeology in the 21st Century: Relevance and Engagement conference to be held in Palau from July 1-3, 2009.</p>
Amateur photographers are invited to submit up to three photos in the Pacific Island Heritage in Focus international photo contest. Entries will be formally displayed and shots that best represent the theme will be published in a Pacific Island Heritage 2010 Calendar. The contest is part of the Pacific Island Archaeology in the 21st Century: Relevance and Engagement conference to be held in Palau from July 1-3, 2009.
Innovative images that inspire local conservation efforts while capturing the essence of and representing the natural and material cultural heritage of the Pacific Islands will be the winning efforts.
Following the conference themes, the images should explore:
1) the relevance or value of Pacific heritage to contemporary socioeconomic, environmental, or health challenges, or
2) grassroots efforts for community-based heritage management and preservation. The alliance between cultural heritage and environmental preservation is essential to the competition.
Eligible format is high quality digital images as JPEG or TIFF files with image set at 12x16 and 300 dpi. Entries are to be submitted on a CD-ROM accompanied by an 8x10 to 12x16 print of each photo.
List the title, subject, and location of the photo, the photographer’ name and contact information, and other details pertinent to the shot. Submitted items will not be returned. Mail entries to: Pacific
Archaeology 2009 Conference, Attn. Calendar Committee, P.O. Box 666, Koror, Republic of Palau 96940. Entries must be postmarked by May 31, 2009.
The contest is not open to professional photographers (those who make all or most of their living from photography) or contest judges and their families. Eligible photos must:
1) have been taken in the Pacific Islands within the past 10 years,
2) have never been published and not be currently under consideration for publication, and
3) not be digitally altered or modified beyond basic cropping, colour management, and sharpening. Only one of the three entries submitted by each photographer can be included in the Pacific Island Heritage 2010 calendar.
Contestants retain full copyrights to their photographs. By submitting an image, the photographers grant permission to the Pacific Island Archaeology conference to display the photo in the exhibit space and to publish them in the calendar. The photographer will be credited in all instances. Photographers will not receive monetary or other type of compensation although winning entrants will get a complimentary copy of the calendar.
For more information about the photo contest, email pacificarchaeology2009@gmail.com attn. Calvin Emesiochel. Conference details can be found at pacificarchaeology2009.com.
CATEGORIES: Community arts, Funding for organisations, Funding for individuals, International Latest news and blog