29 Aug 2013

Capital E is joining Wellington’s vibrant waterfront, re-opening soon at 4 Queens Wharf (formerly the Olympic Museum).
“We have been fortunate to secure the 4 Queens Wharf site after carefully assessing many possibilities for Capital E’s move,” explains Pat Stuart, Chief Executive of the Wellington Museums Trust. “It’s a prime location and offers great opportunities for Capital E and the thousands of children and young people it welcomes every year.”
While well situated in the Queens Wharf precinct, the space is smaller than Capital E’s Civic Square home of 15 years. This means that Capital E’s National Theatre for Children productions will continue to be presented at Downstage Theatre for the rest of 2013.
“We would like to have all activities in the same location but this has not been possible” says Ms Stuart. “For this reason we are treating the Queens Wharf location as interim accommodation while we review our provision for children and young people and the best combined location and delivery for this.”
The Capital E team is looking forward to working with new neighbours, and making the most of being located in the heart of one of Wellington’s best loved public spaces.
Capital E Director, Stuart Grant advises, “all going to plan, we will have the creative technology studios operating in October and Capital E will reopen by Anniversary Weekend 2014 - just in time for our famous waterfront scavenger hunt.”
“We’ll keep the community updated through our website www.capitale.org.nz/ says Mr Grant. “That we can now welcome back Wellington’s families and strengthen our relationship with the community is the most exciting news of all.”
For more information please visit www.capitale.org.nz
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