08 Aug 2013

This content is tagged as Music .


United Kingdom Welcomes Pacific Curls

“Here we go again”, says Arts On Tour NZ director, Steve Thomas, as the Kiwi touring group introduced to the United Kingdom, is booked the length and breadth of the country from the Highlands and Islands, including Skye, Wales, Devon and Cornwall.

“We remember how Te Maori exhibition was discovered in New York and launched the Maori cultural renaissance, says Mr Thomas. Now we have a significant Aotearoa/NZ group outstanding in their field here who have wowed the buyers in Britain”

Sponsored to the National Rural Touring Forum (NRTF) Showcase event at the University of Stirling in Scotland by Arts On Tour NZ and The Pacific Arts Committee of Creative NZ, Pacific Curls trio of Ora Barlow, Kim Halliday and Sarah Beattie, stole the show.

The hardnosed bookers and promoters gave a standing ovation. The programme of Te Reo, Pacific and Celtic sounds, with the musical composition of Kim Halliday, lyrics and melodies of Ora Barlow with musical input from Sarah Beattie, was enthusiastically received.

In 2014 their proposed itinerary includes North East Scotland, Highlands and Islands, Skye, Northumberland, Cumbria, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Teesdale and Wear, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and Wales. 

The Commonwealth games to be held  in Glasgow in 2014 was also mooted as an event possibility for the talented trio.

“There are 120 inhabited islands off Scotland alone”, says Mr Thomas. “They could be very busy”

The National Rural Touring Forum is an umbrella body representing rural and community touring schemes in Britain. 

Arts on Tour NZ in Christchurch is an associate member of the network. It shares a community access philosophy with a number of other schemes in Britain.

Arts On Tour New Zealand

Arts On Tour New Zealand (AOTNZ) organises tours of outstanding New Zealand performers to rural and smaller centres in New Zealand. The trust receives funding from Creative New Zealand and liaises with local arts councils, repertory theatres and community groups to bring the best of musical and other talent to country districts. www.aotnz.co.nz