27 Mar 2019

Creative New Zealand is advocating for future-facing skills and training for artists and arts practitioners, as well as better protection of the rights of artists, authors and creators, and encourages others to consider endorsing the relevant submissions or make their own.
The two consultations Creative New Zealand is making submissions on are the Reform of Vocational Education and Review of Copyright Act 1994. Details on how to engage with these submissions can be found at the end of this story.
Reform of Vocational Education
The Reform of Vocational Education aims to create “a strong, unified vocational education system that is sustainable and fit for the future of work”.
The three proposed changes to the current system are:
- redefined roles for industry bodies (ITOs) and education providers
- the creation of an institution that brings together the 16 current Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) as a single entity with a robust regional network of provision.
- a unified vocational education funding system.
There’s significant international evidence that arts, culture and creativity are vital skills for the future of work. According to the World Economic Forum, creativity is predicted to be the third most important/employable work skill by 2020. In Australia, a Bureau of Communications and Arts Research research paper published in February 2019 found the growth of those employed in creative occupations is growing rapidly, at about double the rate of other occupations between 2011 and 2016.
Creative New Zealand’s submission advocates for a substantial stocktake of training offerings across the arts and creative sectors to understand the full extent of fragmentation across education and training. We also support a commitment to ensuring the strengths and skills of particular regions and polytechnics are enhanced and not lost in any centralisation.
“Making sure artists have access to the training they need, across artforms and across the country, is vital to make sure the creative sector is prepared for the future,” says David Pannett, Creative New Zealand’s senior manager for advocacy.
Review of Copyright Act 1994
The Issues paper forms the first stage of the Review of Copyright Act 1994 consultation. Once feedback has been received on the Issues paper, there will be a second public consultation round to consider an Options paper proposing ways to address the issues identified.
New Zealand Intellectual Property can influence the development of New Zealand’s creative industries, and the capacity of creators to choose how they earn from their work and contribute to the country’s economic prosperity.
Creative New Zealand’s submission focuses on four main areas:
- Safeguarding the right of New Zealand creators to choose how they earn from their work.
- Updating and limiting the permitted uses identified by the exemptions provisions in Part Three of the Act.
- Providing clarity and certainty for the authorised use of copyright material and accessible and effective mechanisms for addressing unauthorised use.
- Copyright and the Wai 262 claim.
We advocate for the objectives of the Act to include recognition and protection of creator rights, and a review of the Act’s safe harbour provisions to ensure they do not undermine New Zealand creators’ ability to earn revenue from their work.
David says a thriving creative economy can generate long-term value for New Zealanders.
“We want to ensure there’s clarity around the authorised use of copyright works, as well as an effective way to deal with unauthorised work to protect our creators,” he says.
Consultation on the Reform of Vocational Education and the Review of Copyright Act 1994 both close at 5pm, Friday, 5 April 2019. Creative New Zealand will continue to work on its draft submissions and encourages others to make submissions of their own.
Send endorsements of Creative New Zealand’s submissions to advocacy@creativenz.govt.nz
Draft submission to the Reform of Vocational Education