24 Nov 2015

The Michael King Writers’ Studio trust is very happy to announce the appointment of Ka Meechan as the new Executive Director of the Writers’ Centre.
Ka has comprehensive knowledge of the international book trade from over 30 years of experience working in New Zealand, the UK and Australia. She has travelled extensively during her career working with clients and partners across the globe.
In August 2013 Ka left her role as Managing Director, Asia Pacific with Nielsen Book Services where she was responsible for revenue and client management across the range of bibliographic information and retail sales monitoring services in the Asia Pacific region encompassing Australia, New Zealand and the Asian countries bordering the Pacific.
For the past two years Ka has worked with the Publishers Association of New Zealand (PANZ). Most recently she organized the PANZ International Summit in May and the PANZ Book Design Awards in July. She also project managed the Visiting Author component of New Zealand’s Guest of Honour programme at the Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE) in February 2015.
Ka says: I am very much looking forward to working with the Michael King Writers’ Studio Trust to build on the successes achieved over the last ten years.
Catriona Ferguson, Chair of the Trust says “Ka will bring energy and enthusiasm along with vast experience of the literature sector to the Trust. We are thrilled that she has accepted the role of Executive Director”.
As the first national writers’ centre in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Trust’s mission is to support quality New Zealand writing and the development of New Zealand writers. The centre is based in the old Signalman’s House on Takarunga Mt Victoria, Devonport, Auckland.
Ka will take up her appointment on Tuesday 01 December 2015.
For further information, please call
Tania Stewart
Ph/fax: (09) 445 8451
Mobile: (09) 021 106 3837
Email: assistant@writerscentre.org.nz
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