19 Apr 2011

A release that judge Sam Collins describes as “a truly international quality album”, Ladi6‟s The Liberation Of… was this evening awarded the 2011 Taite Music Prize, a unique initiative on the creative landscape that awards a cash prize to the finest release by a New Zealand artist or group, specifically focusing on the artistic merit and creative excellence of one album released in the previous calendar year.
The work of soon-to-be Europe-based New Zealand musician Karoline Tamati AKA Ladi, The Liberation Of… was recorded over two months in Berlin with production duties shared between her producer Parks and German beat auteur Sepalot. The Liberation Of… represented for Ladi a logical continuation of the Ladi6 sound – deeper, denser and immaculately considered in sound and message. As a statement of intent, The Liberation Of… clearly sees Ladi and her collaborators as willing to dive headfirst without fear into a sea of creativity.
Judge – and son of Dylan – John Taite said of this year‟s finalists, “year two for the TMP and what a relief we've managed to avoid the difficult second album syndrome. The Twenty-Eleven finalists have raised the bar and delivered some cracking creative sounds.”
“Without giving too much away, the secret herbs and spices required to win the prize are equal parts innovation, interesting and genre busting...not to mention worthy of a 'Dylan piece' if he was still kicking around."
Karoline AKA Ladi said that “winning the Taite Music Prize is such an honour as it is judged on true creativity and innovation, and both of these things are attributes in our music that we hope to always strive for. We are proud and honoured recipients, and hope always to push the envelope and progress creatively and artistically in our music. We hope to always make music listeners in New Zealand proud of us, and to always stand a little left of centre the way Dylan himself would have liked.” She adds that she and her collaborators will use the prize money “wisely, beginning with the 6-7 month European/UK touring and album release that we are embarking on as of today!”
Named after the late Dylan Taite, one of the country's most highly respected music journalists, the award is a first for New Zealand in its format. In a similar vein to several international awards, The Taite Music Prize's purpose is to recognise outstanding creativity for an entire collection of music contained on one album. The winner will receive a cash prize of $10,000, to be spent as they wish. Independent Music New Zealand (IMNZ) and PPNZ Music Licensing (PPNZ) are the principal music industry supporters of the Taite Music Prize in conjunction with the Taite family.