07 Apr 2015

Creative New Zealand is calling for proposals from organisations interested in providing specified services to the craft/object art sector.
The 2014 Craft/Object art review undertaken by Creative New Zealand recognised a need to provide specified services for the craft/object art.
An organisation selected to deliver the services will be expected to provide:
- national promotion of high quality New Zealand craft/object art to increase New Zealanders’ understanding and appreciation of New Zealand craft/object art practice
- creative and professional development opportunities in New Zealand for New Zealand makers and curators
- opportunities for international makers and curators to undertake high quality projects in New Zealand that have clear benefits for New Zealanders and for craft/object art practice in this country
- large-scale national forums, symposiums, publications and other opportunities for artform discourse focused on contemporary New Zealand practice
- commissions and publications (in print or digital platforms or both) of critical writing about contemporary craft/object art practice in New Zealand
Creative New Zealand sees craft/object art as including the traditional applied arts and contemporary practices of all the peoples of Aotearoa/New Zealand, including Māori and Pasifika peoples and the diverse cultures of people living in Aotearoa/New Zealand today.Genres may include clay/ceramics, jewellery, glass, fibre/textiles, raranga, whakairo, Pacific Island costume and weaving, metal work, wood work and studio-based object and furniture design.
Written proposals are due with Creative New Zealand by Friday 22 May, 2015.
Full details of the Request for Proposals are available from our website at: Craft / Object services RFP
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