30 Jan 2013

Creative New Zealand has allocated up to $1 million until June 2014 for new Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Grants to help support the arts in Christchurch while the city rebuilds.
“The purpose of the new grants is to encourage artists and arts organisations to remain in or return to the city and to even consider moving to Christchurch to work,” said Creative New Zealand Chief Executive Stephen Wainwright.
“With a vibrant and innovative arts scene, Christchurch can continue to be a creative and welcoming city as it rebuilds.”
The new grants replace Creative New Zealand’s Earthquake Emergency Assistance Grants. They will support activity that makes it easier for artists and arts organisations to make and present art in the city, such as performances in unusual or temporary venues or the subsidising of tickets to attract diverse audiences. The grants could also help artists and arts organisations to investigate new ways of working such as sharing work spaces or developing new business models.
Projects supported by Creative New Zealand will also contribute to the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority’s Arts Culture and Heritage Collections Recovery Programme.
The new grants are in addition to Creative New Zealand’s other funding and investment programmes and the Creative Communities Scheme, which is administered by the Christchurch City Council.
Since April 2011 Creative New Zealand has provided 93 Earthquake Emergency Assistance Grants totalling $1.98 million to artists and arts organisations affected by the Christchurch earthquakes.
Notes to Editors: In November two new funds were announced by the Christchurch City Council, the Creative Industries Support Fund and Transitional City Projects Fund.
CATEGORIES: Funding for organisations, Funding for individuals Latest news and blog