06 Jul 2010

Creative New Zealand in association with Asia New Zealand Foundation will support up to three curators to visit Korea and China from around October 17-November 5, 2010 (exact dates to be confirmed).
China and Korea are both at the cutting edge of the global contemporary art scene. Three New Zealand curators will be selected to visit leading art museums, galleries, biennales and art spaces in China and Korea to build their professional networks and explore possible future collaborations and artist exchanges.
The tour has been organised to coincide with the 8th Gwangju Biennial (September 3-November 7), the Busan Biennale (September 11-November 20) and the 8th Shanghai Biennial (October 23- February 28).
Participating curators can:
- participate in a programme of pre-arranged appointments with leading galleries and curators in Seoul, Shanghai and Beijing
- identify additional artist-run spaces they wish to visit
- view the Shanghai, Gwangju and Busan Biennials
The purpose of the 2010 Curator Tour is to assist curators to:
- learn more about the contemporary art of Korea and China and its relevance for a New Zealand audience
- explore opportunities for NZ artists to have work exhibited in China and Korea
- explore opportunities for exchange and/or joint exhibitions/projects
- develop their own curatorial practice
Participating curators will have the opportunity to give a short presentation on their institution and its perspective on contemporary New Zealand/Pacific art at one or more arts institutions during the trip. They will also be expected to disseminate and share information on their return to New Zealand.
Selected curators will receive a grant of up to NZ$7000 towards airfares, accommodation, per diems and ground transport. Those selected may need to contribute a modest additional amount to cover all costs.
To apply, curators must:
- have a desire to work with artists from Asia, find out more about art from Asia, and explore opportunities for collaboration
- have the support of their gallery director, or, in the case of an independent curator, an expression of interest from a gallery in a specific project idea
- have a track record in New Zealand
- be prepared to make a short presentation with images on their institution/curatorial practice/perspectives on contemporary New Zealand art
- be prepared to share information from the tour on their return to New Zealand
- be available to complete the tour and have no date restrictions (leaving New Zealand on around October 17 and returning on around November 6)
- have a current passport.
- To apply, you need to provide the information listed below, attaching all relevant documentation and materials
- Return your application and attached materials by 5pm on Friday, July 23 to:
Liyang Ma
Asia New Zealand Foundation
Level 7, 36 Customhouse Quay
PO Box 10144, Wellington 6011
Phone 04-4708708
Email: LMa@asianz.org.nz
- Applications will be considered by a panel of external assessors, together with Creative New Zealand and Asia New Zealand Foundation staff. Results will be confirmed by August 6
- Please note that a standard condition of all grants is to complete a report for Creative New Zealand and Asia New Zealand Foundation after the completion of the project.
- A curriculum vitae
- A letter of support from your institution
- A brief biography
- An outline of your previous history of working in Asia or with Asian artists
- A brief history of New Zealand artists you have curated and how you feel this work may sit in an Asian context.
- Why you want to go on the 2010 curator tour
- What you hope to achieve as a result of the tour
- How you and your institution will benefit
- Your long term strategy for engaging with Asia
- Any date restrictions during the Curator Tour.
CATEGORIES: International Latest news and blog