20 Jan 2012
New Zealand’s first creative crowdfunding platform PledgeMe will re-launch this month with a brand spanking new website and celebratory party. The online initiative is the brainchild of Wellington-based entrepreneurs Anna Guenther and Camilo Borges, and offers Kiwi creatives alternative options in funding their projects.
In a similar vein to American crowdfunding giant kickstarter.com, users of pledgeme.co.nz can post project ideas online for people to help fund in return for a creative reward. Following its inception in 2011, more than $10,000 has been raised through the site, with Wellington band St Rupertsberg raising $1800 in seven days to fund the post-production work on their first album. The site has also helped secure funding for post-production work on a documentary featuring Kiwi artists living in Berlin.
PledgeMe founder Anna Guenther said “…All types of creatives can use PledgeMe - we’ve helped fund projects in film, music, art and journalism and there is potential for so much more. I believe what we’ve seen is just the tip of the iceberg...”
A refurbished version of pledgeme.co.nz will launch on January 25, followed by a shindig at Meow in Wellington on Friday, February 3. Entertainment will include live music from Jeremy Mason, Amy Bowie, Mangle and Gruff and more. Those that arrive before 8pm will get a dollar pledged to the PledgeMe project of their choice.
For more info see, http://www.pledgeme.co.nz
CATEGORIES: Community arts, Capability building, Events Latest news and blog