03 Jul 2019
The first round of our new-look Arts Grants programme opens on Friday 19 July 2019, with staggered application closing dates for two different funding levels: up to $10,000 and up to $75,000.
As confirmed in our June newsletter, we now have a single Arts Grants programme that merges our former Arts Grants and Quick Response funding programmes. In 2020 we will also introduce an annual round for proposals outlining a 12 month period of activity up to $150,000.
The first round of the new programme of Arts Grants opens on 19 July:
- Applications requesting between $10,000 and $75,000 need to be submitted by 6 September – we’ll notify results on 15 November 2019.
- Applications requesting amounts up to $10,000 need to be submitted by 4 October – we’ll notify results on 13 December 2019.
- The decision making times for both types of applications will be 10 weeks for this round while we configure our systems to manage the high number of anticipated applications.
These changes are part of a review of all Creative New Zealand’s funding programmes to make sure they deliver to our Investment Strategy Te Ara Whakamua 2018–2023, Te Hā o ngā Toi Māori Arts Strategy 2019 – 2024 and Pacific Arts Strategy 2018 – 2023.
What’s changed for this round (opening 19 July)?
Increased funding levels
There will be two application streams for Arts Grants – one for up to $10,000 (increased from $7,500) and the other for $10,000 to $75,000 (increased from $65,000).
New programme purposes
We have revised the purposes of the Arts Grants programme to enable:
- more sustainable careers for individual artists and arts practitioners
- the development of arts practice
- innovation in New Zealand arts
- diverse communities to access and participate in high-quality arts experiences.
The revised purposes align with the features of our Investment Strategy Te Ara Whakamua, including its focus on diversity and reach and the sustainability of arts practitioners and arts practice.
When you make an application for an Arts Grant, you’ll be asked to describe how your proposal delivers to one of the new programme purposes above, as well as to one of our strategic outcomes. Your proposal will be assessed for delivery to these aspects as well as the quality of the idea and its viability.
Also, Creative New Zealand wants to ensure artists and arts practitioners who receive Arts Grants funding are fairly remunerated. At a minimum, we advise that applications include pay rates of at least $25 per hour for artists and arts practitioners. More information about these rates will be in our streamlined guidelines that we’ll publish ahead of the next round opening in 2020.
Assessment criteria and process
The assessment process will vary based on the funding you have requested. Applications requesting under $10,000 will be assessed by at least one external assessor, and will not be considered by a panel. In future rounds we hope that this will mean we can make the decision making time for these grants shorter than 10 weeks. Applications requesting between $10,000 and $75,000 will be assessed by two external assessors and considered at a panel meeting.
Your application will still be assessed under Idea and Viability but we have updated the assessment indicators to align with the new programme purposes to determine strategic alignment.
We also intend to look more closely at how applications to the ngā toi Māori and Pacific arts funds align to Te Hā o ngā Toi, our Maori Arts Strategy, and our Pacific Arts Strategy.
Updated artforms
We will now recognise Community Arts as a distinct arts practice and an artform option for applicants to select when applying for an Arts Grant.
Are there further changes to come?
The July 2019 round is transitional, so we can make further changes to ensure the programme delivers to our strategies.
We are working to make further changes and can confirm that from 2020:
- we’ll have two funding rounds annually
- for applications up to $10,000, we are planning to have a quicker decision making timeframe (we’ll be able to tell you more later this year, including key dates)
- you’ll be able to apply for up to three Arts Grants in one calendar year
- we’ll introduce a new annual Arts Grants round enabling applicants to submit proposals for up to $150,000 for activity over a 12 month period. We will announce the dates and criteria for this round soon. Importantly, one of the conditions of the annual Arts Grants round will be that you cannot apply to other Arts Grants during the period of the 12 months of activity approved.
We’re currently reviewing and streamlining the guidelines for Arts Grants funding as part of implementing these changes. We’re doing this to make it easier for you to find what you need – and to find it all in one place. We’ll publish the updated funding guidelines in advance of rounds opening in 2020.
Who can I talk to about the changes?
If you have any funding enquiries, email us at funding@creativenz.govt.nz or phone 0800 CREATIVE (0800 273 284).