12 Jul 2024

Tuku tono mai! Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa is calling for public nominations to recognise toi Māori artists and arts practitioners for Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards 2024.
Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards celebrate the artistic excellence, achievement and the contribution of Māori artists who work both in customary and contemporary toi Māori to Aotearoa New Zealand.
“Kua kitea te waipuketia o te motu e ngā mahi toi Māori, me te tika hoki. Ko tā te Kaupapa nei he whakanui i ngā ringatoi e mahi nui ana i ngā hapori kia kite, kia rongo ai te wairua o ngā toi Māori,” hei tā Te kaiwhakahaere matua o Te Kaupapa o Toi Aotearoa, hei tā Haniko Te Kurapa.
“We are seeing toi Māori visible across the country, as it should be. This kaupapa is an opportunity to celebrate Māori artists who are working hard in our communities te make the spirit of toi Māori visible and apparent,” Haniko Te Kurapa Senior Manager, Te Kaupapa o Toi Aotearoa says.
Me mihi ka tika ki ngā ringa raupā, Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards offer an opportunity to recognise and mihi tohunga, ringatoi and kaumātua within your hapori who continue to contribute to our country through toi Māori.
E ai ki te Kaiārahi Whakamahere Ritenga, Ngā Toi Māori, e ai ki a Kereama Te Ua, “He nui te patanga o ngā toi Māori ki te hauora o te tangata. E kite ana i ngā hua e puta mai ana, e puta atu ana ki waenganui i ngā whānau, ngā hapū me ngā hapori. Ka mutu e mōhio ana tātou ehara tēnei oranga i te oranga kikokiko noa engari he oranga wairua, waiora, hinengaro anō hoki. koia tētahi o ngā take e tika ana te whakanuia o ngā ringatoi e whakaora ana i ngā hapori mā roto mai i ā rātou mahi.”
Kereama Te Ua, Lead Practice Adviser - Ngā Toi Māori says, “Ngā toi Māori has significant impact on the health and wellbeing of people. We see the benefits amongst families, hapū and communities. We know that the positive health outcomes are not physical alone; there are also holistic benefits. That is one of the reasons it is important to celebrate the work of Māori artists as they continue to contribute to the wellbeing of their communities through their artforms.”
Three awards are open for public nomination from 12 July:
Ngā Tohu Hautūtanga Auaha Toi – Making a Difference Award – recognises leadership and outstanding contribution to the development of new directions in ngā toi Māori. Three recipients, each awarded $10,000
Ngā Manu Pīrere - recognises an emerging Māori artist showing promise and potential in their chosen artform. Three recipients, each awarded $10,000
Te Tohu Iho Pūmanawa - recognises the contribution of a tangata whaikaha, turi Māori, Deaf or disabled Māori artist. One recipient for an award of $10,000.
Nominations close 1.00pm Monday 12 August
Full details and nomination forms are available on our website