28 Feb 2023

The Arts Foundation Te Tumi Toi and Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa are hitting the road for another round of All in for Arts: He waka toi e eke noa nei tātou – a series of free breakfast events that shine a spotlight on creativity around the motu.
Each of the 10 events brings together an exciting mix of speakers, including local artists, businesspeople, rangatahi, Arts Foundation laureates and local politicians for coffee, kai and kōrero.
Creative New Zealand Advocacy Manager Tracey Monastra says that one of the joys of the project is seeing local communities come together to celebrate creativity, and you don’t have to consider yourself an artist or especially creative to attend.
“Creativity is for everyone. When times are tough, when we’re feeling depleted – arts, culture and creativity help fill us up.” she says.
“Every breakfast event will be a unique mix of speakers, each with their own stories about why creativity matters. The aim is to leave you feeling more connected, energised and inspired!”
After disruption caused by Covid-19 All in for Arts went online in 2022, making this year’s events the first in-person tour since 2020.
“We’re excited to be able to be back on the road alongside The Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi. We’re both on a mission to advocate for arts, culture and creativity across Aotearoa. The stories we hear on the road help us do that important work.” Tracey Monastra says.
The tour begins in Invercargill on Tuesday March 7, with stops planned in Wānaka, Ōamaru, Hokitika, Nelson, New Plymouth, Ōtaki, Hastings, Gisborne and Hamilton throughout the month.
Work is underway to determine whether the events planned for Hastings and Gisborne will be able to proceed, with both locations suffering significant and ongoing impacts from Cyclone Gabrielle.
Arts Council Chair Caren Rangi, who lives in Hawkes Bay is optimistic that the events at the end of March will be able to go ahead.
“The message we’re getting from people on the ground is that in times of crisis it’s even more important to show up, if we can.” she says.
“As we’ve seen after previous natural disasters, like the Christchurch earthquakes, art and culture play a really important role in recovery because they bring people together and make us feel hopeful for the future. The cyclone recovery is going to take a long time, but it will be exciting to get together to talk about how creativity can be a part of how our communities recover.”
Events are free, but registration is essential. People who register will be advised of any changes to event dates or locations ahead of time. Find out more on the Arts Foundation website, or read more below.
PLEASE NOTE: All in for Arts is taking place at the same time as a series of regional workshops about the future of Creative New Zealand’s arts development services, including Arts Grants. These separate workshops are also taking place in Nelson, New Plymouth and the Hawkes Bay – in each location they are the week before All in for Arts.
More about All in for Arts
Te Waipounamu, The South Island
Invercargill / Waihōpai
Tuesday 7th March at He Waka Tuia
Speakers include Delaney Davison, Pauline Smith MNZM, Ché Baker and Mayor Nobby Clark
Wednesday 8th March at the Wānaka Community Hub
Speakers include Ahi Karunaharan, Britt Davies, Mandy Myles, Eve Bretherton and Mayor Glyn Lewers
Friday 10th March at the Inbox Theatre at the Ōamaru Opera House
Speakers include Donna Demente, Tori Campbell and Mayor Gary Kircher
Tuesday 14th March at the Hokitika Regent
Speakers include Gaylene Preston, Claire O’Donnell and Mayor Helen Lash
Nelson / Whakatū
Wednesday 15th March at the Pastorius Waller Theatre in The Suter - Te Aratoi o Whakatū
Speakers include Fiona Pardington, Pic Picolt, Alyahna Sanson-Rejouis and Mayor Hon Dr Nick Smith
Te Ika-a-Māui, The North Island
New Plymouth / Ngāmotu
Wednesday 22nd March at the Govett-Brewster Gallery
Speakers include Rangi Kipa and Cr Dinnie Moeahu with more to be announced
Friday 24th March at Māoriland Hub
Speakers include Lisa Walker, Libby Hakaria, Andre Chumko and Mayor Janet Holborow
Hastings / Heretaunga
Tuesday 28th March at Toitoi Municipal Building Assembly Room
Speakers include Sandy Adsett, Robyn McLean and Mayor Sandra Hazelhurst
Gisborne / Tūranganui-a-Kiwa
Wednesday 29th March at Tairawhiti Muesum
Speakers include Lindah Lepou and Mayor Rehette Stolz with more to be announced
Hamilton / Kirikiriroa
Friday 31st March 2023 at the Wintec Atrium Room
Speakers include Hone Kouka, Melanie Allison and Cr Louise Hutt