01 Nov 2022
Creative New Zealand and the Arts Council’s Komiti Māori confirm this year’s Ngā Tāonga Toi a Te Waka Toi to be live-streamed.
Kei ngā maunga whakateitei o te motu, tēnā rā tātou katoa.
We would like to warmly invite you all to celebrate our Māori artists and arts practitioners as we mark the 36th Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards on the 26th of November 2022 at 7pm. As we continue to navigate a world where COVID-19 is still present in our communities and the risks to our kaumātua, kuia and whānau, the annual awards ceremony will be livestreamed.
So please put the date in your diaries to gather the whānau, share space and kai and to celebrate our Māori artists.
The ceremony will be streamed on our Facebook page and on our YouTube channel
The 2022 award recipients and participants are some of the very few who hold the knowledge on traditional artforms, for which some are considered endangered.
This year promises a celebration of a diverse range of mātanga and tohunga from different backgrounds. They will be recognised for their contribution and dedication to their respective art fields in ngā Toi Māori.
We acknowledge our partners Te Matatini, Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo and Te Papa Tongarewa for their continued commitment to the Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi.
2022 Te Waka Toi Awards
When: 26th November, 7pm
Where: Livestream on our Facebook and Youtube channels – links to come