01 Feb 2022

Creative New Zealand is looking for nominations for external peer assessors to join our pool of assessors from February 2022.
Update (01 Feb 2022): Thanks to everyone who sent us a registration to become a peer assessor. The next opportunity will be October 2022.
Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini –
We cannot succeed without the support of those around us
What’s the gig?
External assessors are asked to provide peer assessment of funding applications across all of Creative New Zealand’s funding programmes and initiatives.
Who are we looking for?
We’re looking for people to be a part of our assessment mahi, who are keen to make a difference in the arts in Aotearoa, provide feedback and help develop the New Zealand arts sector. They are people with an in-depth understanding of the art sector and current artform practice, including international trends and markets, or specialist knowledge of an area of arts development or capability building.
Where is the expertise needed?
New peer assessors are required in the following areas of expertise:
- Māori Dance, Māori Literature, Māori Visual Arts, Māori Customary Arts, Māori Music, Māori Theatre, Māori Multidisiplinary Arts, Te Reo Māori and senior practitioners.
- Pacific Dance, Pacific Music, Pacific Heritage Arts, Pacific Craft/Object, Pacific Interarts
- Literature (poetry and non fiction)
- Assessors based in Christchurch
- We’re also looking for youth assessors – who are either under the age of 18-25 with an in-depth understanding of an artform, or have experience in delivering within an artform to young people.
If you’re based overseas, you must be a New Zealand citizen or resident and have a current understanding of the New Zealand creative sector.
More information on the role of external assessors, selection process, workload and conflict of interest can be found in the peer assessor terms and conditions document.
Register online to become a Creative New Zealand peer assessor (form closed until October 2022)
Have pātai? Email lee.martelli@creativenz.govt.nz. Lee Martelli, Senior Adviser - Assessment Services.
New assessors will join our talent pool and be eligible to assess from March 2022.
Hear from Peer Assessors