11 Nov 2020

Leading Māori artists, advocates and community leaders will be recognised for outstanding achievement, leadership and excellence in this year’s 34th annual Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards.
Hosted by the Arts Council of New Zealand, Toi Aotearoa / Creative New Zealand, 13 recipients across eight award categories have been selected to receive honours including the winner of the Supreme Award - Te Tohu Aroha mō Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu in recognition of excellence and the recipient’s outstanding contribution to Ngā Toi Māori (Māori Arts).
In response to the ongoing presence of COVID-19 the Te Waka Toi Awards ceremony will be held online for the first time in the Awards’ history. The event will be hosted by actor-singer-director, Mere Boynton in a one-hour event from 7.00pm on Monday 30 November 2020.
In announcing the awards ceremony, Council member and Chair of Komiti Māori, Dean Whiting said “We are greatly looking forward to celebrating the significant achievements and contribution of all of those artists honoured at this year’s Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards. This has been a challenging year for the arts sector and so many whānau and communities across the motu. It is wonderful to acknowledge those who have given so much to Aotearoa, demonstrating the resilience and strength that ngā Toi Māori provides us.”
A new award the Te Tohu Iho Pumanawa Award will be presented to recognise the contribution of a leading Māori artist with the lived experience of disability. Through public nominations the recipient was selected by a Māori arts panel for their long term service within their artform that also centered their te ao Māori heritage.
Partner sponsors Te Papa, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori and Te Matatini will present awards to recognise artists who have made a significant contribution in ngā toi Māori, strengthening te reo rangatira and traditional Māori performing arts.
The Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards support the vision of Creative New Zealand’s Te Hā o ngā Toi Māori Arts Strategy (2019 -2024) that aims for ngā toi Māori to be visible everywhere and highly valued, as part of Aotearoa’s distinct identity, which is admired globally.
“Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa is excited to be working with a broad range of Māori artists, collectives and organisations under Te Hā o ngā Toi to advance and strengthen Māori arts practice; enable more opportunities to experience ngā toi Māori around the country; and to ensure the unique value of Māori arts is recognised, protected and promoted in Aotearoa and the world” Māori Strategy and Partnerships Senior Manager, Paula Carr said.
Te Waka Toi Awards 2020
Winners will be announced in an online event Monday 30 November 2020, 7pm – 8pm via Creative New Zealand Facebook and YouTube channel
Te Tohu Aroha mō Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu Exemplary/Supreme Award
In recognition of leadership, excellence and outstanding contribution of a senior ngā toi Māori artists to the development of ngā toi Māori. $25,000 award.
Ngā Tohu ā Tā Kingi Ihaka | Sir Kingi Ihaka Award recognising lifetime contribution
Awarded to kaumātua/kuia in recognition of their contribution to strengthening the continuity of Māori culture through their support of ngā toi Māori. $15,000 for each recipient.
Ngā Tohu Hautūtanga Auaha Toi Making A Difference award
Recognises leadership and outstanding contribution to the development of new directions in Māori art. $10,000 each award.
Te Tohu Iho Pūmanawa
Recognises the contribution of a Māori artist with the lived experience of disability to the standing, and standard of Māori arts in New Zealand and/or internationally. $10,000 award.
Ngā Manu Pīrere
Recognises an emerging artist or collective showing potential in their artform. $10,000 per award.
Te Tohu aroha mō Ngoi Kumeroa Pewhairangi
Recognises the recipient’s outstanding work strengthening Te Reo Rangatira. Funded and selected by Te Taura Whiri i te reo Māori. $10,00 award.
Te Tohu Whakamanawa o Te Matatini
Recognises the recipient’s outstanding contribution to Kapa Haka. Funded and selected by Te Matatini. $7,500 award.
Te Tohu o Te Papa Tongarewa Rongomaraeroa
Recognises the recipient’s outstanding contribution to Ngā Toi Māori. Funded and selected by Te Papa Tongarewa. $5,000 award.
Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Background
Since 1986, 291 leading Māori artists and practitioners have been recognised through these prestigious national annual awards that acknowledge excellence and achievement across all artforms including marae arts (traditional, marae-based artforms such as karanga, carving, and weaving) as well as contemporary artforms such as theatre, literature, film, photography, sculpture and visual arts.
Three awards are open for public nomination (Ngā Tohu Hautūtanga Auaha Toi - Making A Difference award, Te Tohu Iho Pūmanawa Award and Ngā Manu Pīrere Award). Three awards are selected by sponsor partners and seven awards are selected by a Māori arts panel. Public nominations for the awards closed in July. Past Te Waka Toi recipients https://bit.ly/32qJKz2
For media queries please contact:
Tere Harrison
Senior Communications Adviser – Māori
Creative New Zealand | Toi Aotearoa
M: +64 21 414 728 | DDI: +64 4 473 9738 | E: tere.harrison@creativenz.govt.nz