04 Jul 2018

Creative New Zealand will invest $27 million in a wide range of arts organisations through its investment programmes in 2019. These organisations deliver arts festivals, music, dance, theatre, visual arts, publishing, Māori arts, Pacific heritage arts, and more, to the New Zealand public.
The Arts Council of Creative New Zealand has agreed its annual funding through its two multi-year investment programmes Toi Uru Kahikatea and Toi Tōtara Haemata for the 2019 calendar year. Combined the programmes fund 91 arts organisations throughout the country.
Four arts organisations have joined Toi Uru Kahikatea this year. They are:
- Pacifica Mamas – towards delivering Pacific heritage arts initiatives and programmes, including the Pacific Heritage Arts Fono, maintaining the Pacific Heritage Arts Database, and providing workshops and mentoring to heritage arts practitioners
- Nightsong – towards a programme of development, presentation and touring theatre works
- The Performing Arts Network of New Zealand (PANNZ) – towards the PANNZ arts market, and touring high quality New Zealand work throughout New Zealand
- Orchestras Central – towards an orchestral music programme of concerts, community events, and touring in the Waikato region
“We are pleased to see these new organisations further diversify the investment portfolio through their offering and reach,” said Cath Cardiff, Creative New Zealand’s Senior Manager Arts Development Services.
All four were recommended to receive funding by an external panel of arts peers. The Pacifica Mamas are the first Pacific arts organisation solely focussed on heritage arts to join the investment programme. Orchestras Central is the first Hamilton organisation to have a continuous programme of work supported by the Kahikatea programme.
The Arts Council has also offered funding to 16 other organisations in Toi Uru Kahikatea, either through new contracts (for existing clients) or by extending existing contracts, and has extended the contracts of 7 organisations in Toi Tōtara Haemata.
Creative New Zealand will also continue to invest in arts organisations which have existing funding contracts through the programmes. In 2019 Creative New Zealand will invest $27 million through the programmes compared to $25.8 million in 2018, an increase of 8 percent.
Full lists of 2018 funding results:
- Toi Uru Kahikatea (Arts Development) Investment Programme 2018 (for 2019)
- Toi Tōtara Haemata (Arts Leadership) Investment Programme 2018 (for 2019)
Creative New Zealand will be offering one year funding/contract extensions for all organisations in the Tōtara and Kahikatea investment programmes (1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019). This is to allow for a review of the programmes to ensure they align with Creative New Zealand’s Investment Strategy Te Ara Whakamua 2018–23, which was published in April. Creative New Zealand will call for proposals from current investment clients in March 2019, with applications closing in May 2019 and contracts taking effect from 1 January 2020.
In addition to the investment programmes, Creative New Zealand offers grants, a range of fellowships, residencies and scholarships and opportunities to present work and develop networks, domestically and internationally.
About the investment programmes
To be eligible to apply for Toi Tōtara Haemata and Toi Uru Kahikatea applicants must have a successful track record of funding with Creative New Zealand and deliver to Creative New Zealand’s strategic outcomes and investment strategy. Applicants also need to demonstrate that they are artistically vibrant and are well managed.
Toi Tōtara Haemata provides support to established well run, financially sound arts organisations that fulfil agreed key roles in creating, presenting, distributing or encouraging participation in high-quality New Zealand arts experiences. Funding can be for periods of up to five years.
The complementary Toi Uru Kahikatea is more flexible in the range of activity it can fund providing support to established New Zealand artists, arts practitioners, groups and arts organisations for periods of one to three years.
Any questions, contact media@creativenz.govt.nz