09 May 2017
New Zealand artists and practitioners wanting to develop their international experience can apply for one of two development opportunities being offered at the Edinburgh Festivals this year.
New Zealand artists and practitioners wanting to develop their international experience can apply for one of two development opportunities being offered at the Edinburgh Festivals this year.
A new artist development opportunity, International Co-lab, will run alongside the existing Edinburgh Festivals’ Momentum delegate programme this August. Both initiatives are offered in partnership with the British Council in New Zealand.
International Co-lab
International Co-lab is a new artistic exchange programme to bring artists from New Zealand, Hong Kong and Scotland together for two weeks at the Edinburgh Festivals in August.
The new programme will support artists to exchange artistic skills, techniques and cultural knowledge and push their creative practice. It also supports the development of international networks to encourage collaborative projects. The opportunity is open to successful mid-career artists, in any artform, who can show evidence of their ability to work collaboratively.
International Co-lab is offered with support from the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, which is also co-curating the programme with The Basement Theatre (NZ) and Forest Fringe (United Kingdom).
Creative New Zealand will also fund up to six New Zealand arts practitioners to take part in the Momentum programme this year. Momentum is an individually tailored delegate programme that runs during August.
Momentum supports delegates to develop international networks, pursue international collaborative projects or learn about opportunities to deliver international projects or present tour-ready work. It is for mid-career and senior practitioners and artists who are ready to build successful networks and relationships with international artists, producers, curators and cultural partners.
Momentum is offered with support from Festivals Edinburgh and Creative Scotland with additional support from City of Edinburgh Council, Event Scotland and the Scottish Government.
Support offered
Both programmes offer up to $3200 towards travel costs, plus accommodation in Edinburgh and tickets to shows.
Find out more about the programmes, eligibility criteria, how to apply and application deadlines for Momentum and International Co-lab.