24 Aug 2017

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Maggie Barry has appointed Wellingtonian Dean Whiting of Te Whanau a Apanui descent to the Arts Council of New Zealand.
“Dean’s significant knowledge of te ao Māori (Māori world view) and Māori arts and heritage make him an ideal person to fulfil the current vacancy on the board,” Ms Barry says.
“Dean has worked in private practice as a Māori Taonga conservator for marae communities and is also a board member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) New Zealand.
“He continues to work in the Māori arts and heritage field and is currently employed as the Māori Heritage manager with Heritage New Zealand, Pouhere Taonga.”
Dean Whiting will not receive any fees for Arts Council activities undertaken during his work hours with Heritage New Zealand.
Taking effect immediately, Dean Whiting’s appointment is until 31 August 2018.