21 Nov 2011

The NZSAs Mentor and Youth Mentor Programmes are both now open for applications.
Mentor Programme 2012 – Now Open
The NZSA’s Mentor Programme is calling for applications! This highly successful programme is available only to members of the NZSA and offers new authors the opportunity to spend 20 hours working alongside some of New Zealand’s best-known authors.
Previous NZSA surveys indicate that the majority of mentees achieve the goals they set at the beginning of their mentorship, whether it was completing a first draft or having work accepted for publication. If you are serious about your writing career, need feedback and coaching, this programme is for you.
Application forms can be downloaded from our website: www.authors.org.nz
Alternatively, contact the NZSA national office at programmes@nzauthors.org.nz or send a SAE to
Programme Manager
PO Box 7701
Wellesley Street
Auckland 1141
Please note, the 2012 deadline for applications is different to previous years.
Deadline for applications: 5pm Monday 27 February.
Funded by Creative New Zealand.
NZSA Youth Mentor Programme 2012
The NZ Society of Authors is calling for applications for a mentoring programme aimed at encouraging senior creative writing students. There are 3 places available to Year 11, 12 and 13 students nationwide. Each of the successful students will work alongside one of New Zealand’s best-known authors in a 10 hour mentorship during Terms 2 and 3. This is an exciting opportunity for young writers to work with an experienced writing mentor and hone their skills.
The programme is based on the NZSA’s successful mentoring programme which has been running since 1999. For more information and application form contact programmes@nzauthors.org.nz or download form from our website: www.authors.org.nz
Deadline: 5pm, 2nd April 2012
Funded by Creative New Zealand.
Kind Regards
Kathryn Burnett
Programme Manager
NZ Society of Authors
PO Box 7701
Wellesley St
Ph 09 379 4801