31 Aug 2016

Each year the University of Waikato invites applications for the position of Writer in Residence, School of Arts Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, tenable for twelve months from January.
Each year the University of Waikato invites applications for the position of Writer in Residence, tenable for twelve months from January. The salary on offer is $52,000 jointly funded by the University of Waikato and Creative New Zealand, the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. The position is open to poets, novelists, short story writers, dramatists, and writers of serious non-fiction. The appointment will be made on the basis of a proven record of publications of high quality.
The Writer is required to live in Hamilton during the tenure of the award. There are no teaching or lecturing duties attached to the award, the sole purpose is to give the Writer the freedom to write. It is expected the Writer will participate in the cultural life of the University. The Writer will be able to make use of the Michael King Writers’ Retreat in Opoutere for a period of up to two weeks (market value $3,000).
Enquiries can be made to Dr Mark Houlahan, telephone 07 8384466 extension 9189 email: maph@waikato.ac.nz
Closing date: 30 September 2016
Vacancy number: 360229
For more information and to apply, visit www.jobs.waikato.ac.nz
Ko te Tangata – For the People
At the University of Waikato we define ourselves by our academic and research excellence and the strength of our international connections. Our distinctiveness is driven by our focus on sustainability, our commitment to Māori learning and research, and our role as leaders and innovators.
Our motto, Ko te Tangata, underlines our acknowledgement of the Treaty of Waitangi, equal opportunity for all, the importance of collegiality, and the individuals who are our staff, students and stakeholders.
E herea ana te Whare Wānanga ki te kaupapa kia whakaratohia te mea angitū ōrite ki ngā tāngata katoa.