16 Jan 2017

Creative New Zealand invites applications for the following special opportunities for established writers:
The Michael King Writer’s Fellowship
The prestigious Michael King Writer’s Fellowship is for established writers from any literary genre, with a significant publication record, to work on a major project. It is offered every two years.
Previous recipients are Dr Martin Edmond, Elizabeth Knox, Fiona Farrell, Dr Peter Simpson, Peter Wells, Kate De Goldi, Philip Simpson, Dame Fiona Kidman, Neville Peat, Rachel Barrowman, C K Stead, Vincent O’Sullivan and Owen Marshall.
Further information and how to apply: Michael King Writer’s Fellowship.
Applications close on 10 March 2017.
The Berlin Writer’s Residency
Creative New Zealand’s Berlin Writer’s Residency enables an established writer to work on an approved project for up to eleven months in Berlin, Germany. The residency includes travel to and accommodation in Berlin, a monthly stipend and incidentals.
Previous recipients include Hinemoana Baker, Ian Wedde, Kate Camp, James McNeish, Lloyd Jones, Tim Corballis, Philip Temple, Kapka Kassabova, Tina Shaw and Sarah Quigley.
Further information and how to apply: Berlin Writer’s Residency
Applications close on 10 March 2017.