30 Jan 2009

<p>Creative New Zealand is calling for applications from established New Zealand Craft/Object Art practitioners, curators and writers for the Creative New Zealand Craft/Object Art Fellowship. The Fellowship was offered annually for its first three years (2004 – 2006) and is now offered biennially.</p>
Creative New Zealand is calling for applications from established New Zealand Craft/Object Art practitioners, curators and writers for the Creative New Zealand Craft/Object Art Fellowship. The Fellowship was offered annually for its first three years (2004 – 2006) and is now offered biennially.
Previous recipients of this Fellowship are: Malcolm Harrison (2004), Peter Lange (2005) and Rangi Kipa (2006).
The Fellowship will be awarded for a project and/or programme of activities that will take one year to complete and is open to established practitioners, curators and writers working in both traditional applied arts and contemporary practice. The genres can include ceramics, jewellery, glass, textile, metal and wood work and studio-based design. Valued at $65,000, the fellowship will be paid out in two installments of $32,500.The first payment will be made at the start of the fellowship and the next installment paid upon receipt of a 6 month progress report.
Applications must be received by 5pm on Friday 3 April, 2009. Application guidelines and the application form are available from the ‘Forms and Guidelines’ page of our website. For more information please contact Felicity Birch on (04) 498 0735 or at felicityb@creativenz.govt.nz
Go to the Forms & Guidelines part of our website
CATEGORIES: Funding for organisations, Funding for individuals Latest news and blog