22 Dec 2010

This content is tagged as Craft and Object art .


Applications Called for Creative New Zealand 2011 2012 Craft Object Fellowship


Creative New Zealand is calling for applications from established and senior New Zealand Craft/Object practitioners, curators and writers for the Craft/Object Fellowship 2011/2012 valued at $65,000.


The Fellowship provides the time and/or resources for the Fellow to commit to a period of investigation, experimentation or research in their practice.


Practitioners, curators and writers working in both traditional applied arts and contemporary practice can apply. Genres may include ceramics, jewellery, glass, textile, metal and wood work and studio-based design.


Applicants will need to demonstrate they have a strong national reputation in the Craft/Object sector with a body of work which that is acknowledged for artistic excellence and has achieved critical acclaim.


Previous recipients of this Fellowship are: Malcolm Harrison (2004), Peter Lange (2005), Rangi Kipa (2006) and Moyra Elliott (2009).


Applications close at 5pm on Friday 18 March, 2011.


For further information and criteria of this fellowship please refer to the Creative New Zealand website Special Opportunities page www.creativenz.govt.nz or contact Felicity Birch, Programme Adviser, Creative New Zealand, (04) 498 0735 felicity.birch@creativenz.govt.nz