28 Oct 2011

Creative New Zealand has approved a further $54,159 in grants from its Earthquake Emergency Response Fund in September, to help re-establish an active arts scene in Christchurch.
Creative New Zealand has approved a further $54,159 in grants from its Earthquake Emergency Response Fund in September, to help re-establish an active arts scene in Christchurch.
Grants include $9,000 towards a series of wānanga for local kapa haka in support of Māori Heritage Arts, $22,150 to assist the Centre of Contemporary Art (CoCA) with transitional programming, $5000 to Christchurch artist Miranda Parkes to restage an exhibition at the Sarjeant Gallery in Wanganui, and $3200 to Pacific artist Kulimoe’anga Stone Maka towards the costof replacing lost equipment.
“One of the most exciting aspects of the aftermath of the earthquakes is to see how responsive the Christchurch arts community has been to its new surrounds. It is important for Creative New Zealand to aid the sector to rebuild the arts infrastructure and in doing so, engage the Canterbury community,” said Creative New Zealand Chief Executive Stephen Wainwright.
CoCA will use its funds for a new programme of exhibitions.
“While we wait for engineering and insurance reports, CoCA will keep supporting the arts. We are pursuing on-site and off-site projects that will demonstrate the vital role of contemporary art to the recovery of the city,” said Board Trustee, Dr Jessica Halliday.
“Our on-site Window Projects will be in the full-height window of our building and safely visible from the street. The first two projects will be: Secular Variations, a moving-image installation by Ed Lust and We Won't Have Legs To Stand, a kinetic sculpture and film project by Sam Eng. A vital aspect of these projects is that both are with local artists and are curated by a young local curator, Chloe Geoghegan. We hope to launch the first one in the new year.”
Since September 2010, Creative New Zealand has provided more than $1.65 million in grants to artists, arts practitioners, and arts organisations directly affected by the Christchurch earthquakes, through its Earthquake Emergency Response Fund.
The fund was established in addition to Creative New Zealand’s existing funding programmes, including the Creative Communities Scheme.
Information about eligibility criteria for the Earthquake Emergency Response Fund and how to apply can be found on the Creative New Zealand website.
List of recipients, activity and amounts:
Waitaha whānau support towards a series of wānanga for local kapa haka, $9000
National Concerto Competition towards covering anticipated loss on 2011-12 competition, $11,250
CoCA towards transitional programming, $22,150
Elizabeth Moyle towards the cost of lost equipment and materials, $3,559
Miranda Parkes towards restaging an exhibition at the Sarjeant Gallery, $5,000
Kulimoe’anga Stone Maka towards the cost of replacing lost equipment, $3,200.