29 Jun 2010

The 7th Seoul International Music Competition will be held in Seoul, Korea from April 12 to April 24 2011. The competition is open to musicians from all countries, with prizes totalling USD122,000.
The Seoul International Music Competition was established by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Dong-A Ilbo, the most prestigious national newspaper in Korea. The competition is held annually for the categories of piano, violin, and voice, in a rotating sequence, with the aim of promoting cultural exchanges among nations through music, and supporting talented young musicians from all over the world. The category for 2011 competition is piano and the event will take place in Seoul over the following dates:
12 April (Tue) to 24 April (Sun), 2011
- First Prize: US $50,000
- Second Prize: US $30,000
- Third Prize: US $20,000
- Fourth Prize: US $10,000
- Fifth Prize: US $ 7,000
- Sixth Prize: US $ 5,000
The Competition is open to pianists of any nationality born on or after April 13, 1980 and on or before April 12, 1994.
The application package with all required materials must be received by the Seoul International Music Competition office no later than November 12, 2010 (NOT postmarked).
Please Note: Applications must be typed or printed in English or Korean.
Download the application rules in Word format (222kb)
Download the application rules in pdf format (280kb)
For details on how to apply, visit the competition website www.seoulcompetition.com
CATEGORIES: International Latest news and blog