18 Jun 2009

Te Matatini Society chairman Selwyn Parata announced today that Te Tairāwhiti would host the Te Matatini National Kapa Haka Festival 2011, in Gisborne. This year’s festival in Tauranga drew crowds of up to 50,000 spectators over the three days and the expectation for Festival 2011 is to double those figures with a growing number of non-Māori and international tourists expected to attend.
The decision was made by the national committee, who represent Kapa Haka groups throughout New Zealand and Australia he said.
Four bids were received from Aotea (New Plymouth), Te Arawa (Rotorua),
Te Tairāwhiti (Gisborne) and Waitaha (Christchurch).
The Te Matatini national committee was tested to the maximum in considering a number of outstanding proposals but at the completion of presentations the committee identified two bids for consideration – Te Tairāwhiti and Te Arawa said Mr Parata.
‘Both presentations captured our imagination.’
‘Te Arawa presented with a high degree of professionalism. Te Tairāwhiti presented a green fields proposal using Waiohika Estate, the venue of the successful Rhythm and Vines concert.
After much deliberation, he said, the committee made its decision to award the 2011 Festival to Te Tairāwhiti and the next festival in 2013 to Te Arawa.
“I congratulate Te Tairāwhiti on the success of their bid and welcome their support to assist Te Matatini run a world-class event.”
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