29 Sep 2009

Entries are invited for competition in the animated film section of the Festival de México (Mexico City Festival), one of the most dynamic and creative arts festivals in Latin America.
Participants must be under 35 years of age by February 19, 2010, and competitors of all nationalities are eligible to enter.
Prizes available include:
- First place: $ 6,000 USD
- Second place: $ 4,000 USD
- Third place: $ 2,000 USD
The deadline for entry is February 19 2010. For more information, please read the competition fact sheet here, or contact:
Festival de México en el Centro Histórico
Benjamín Franklin 176, col escandón
Cp 11800, México D.F
Telefonos: 52 55 52 77 9817 y 52 55 52 77 96 97
Fax: 52 55 52 72 54 71
CATEGORIES: International Latest news and blog