10 Feb 2016
Creative New Zealand is reminding Māori artists about the wide-ranging funding opportunities available to them in the coming months. These opportunities span across preserving Māori heritage arts, supporting emerging artists, and mentoring senior artists.
Tohunga/Tukunga mentoring programme (up to $5,000)
The Tohunga/Tukunga mentoring programme offers funding to help preserve and pass on contemporary and traditional Ngā Toi Māori (Māori arts) knowledge and practice. It supports Tohunga to pass on their knowledge and skills to senior Māori artists. Applicants must be Māori artists who have attained and demonstrated a high level of creativity and excellence, possess an in-depth knowledge of their specialist artform/s, and whose abilities and skills would be enhanced by a one-to-one partnership with a Tohunga. Three mentoring opportunities are available in each of the three annual funding rounds.
Applications close Friday 12 February 2016.
Read more about Tohunga/Tukunga
Toi tipu Toi rea – emerging Māori artist/practitioner grant (up to $7,500)
Toi tipu Toi rea is a grant to support Māori artists or practitioners, at an early stage of their career, to undertake an arts project. Up to four Toi Tipu Toi Rea grants of up to $7,500 each may be offered in any one funding round. There are three funding rounds per year.
Applications close Friday 12 February 2016.
Read more about Toi tipu Toi rea
Toi Ake – retaining heritage Māori arts (up to $65,000)
Toi Ake is a funding initiative tailored to iwi, hapū, whakapapa-based roopu and maata waka to cultivate and retain heritage Ngā Toi Māori — though it does not support restoration projects. Toi Ake is offered twice a year. Toi Ake projects usually focus on heritage arts (including ngā mahi a Te Whare Pora) and te reo based arts (including whaikōrero and whakapapa recitation); but contemporary arts projects are also supported.
Applications close Friday 11 March 2016.
Ngā Manu Pīrere Awards ($4,000)
Two Ngā Manu Pīrere Awards worth $4,000 each are offered every year to young Māori artists who are post-secondary school level and under 25 years of age. It is to recognise achievement for those who are at an early stage of their career in the arts. To receive a Manu Pīrere Award one must apply. Applications are assessed on artistic achievement, involvement with iwi/marae and leadership qualities. The awards will be presented at an awards ceremony in late 2016.
Applications close Thursday 24 March 2016.
Read more about Ngā Manu Pīrere
Coming up
Māori Arts Presentation Fund ($80,000 in total for at least two projects)
The Māori Arts Presentation Fund supports touring of quality Ngā Toi Māori (Māori arts) works within New Zealand and building the audiences for Ngā Toi Māori among Māori communities. The fund supports arts producers/presenters to tour work created by Māori artists and practitioners to areas with high density Māori populations (above 10%).
Applications open February 2016 and close Thursday 24 March 2016.
Ngā Toi Māori (Māori arts) are integral to the cultural well-being and identity of tangata whenua, and to Aotearoa as a whole. Creative New Zealand provides funding and development opportunities to help Māori artists and practitioners to realise their potential, both nationally and internationally.
Find Creative New Zealand funding opportunities on our website.
CATEGORIES: Community arts, Funding for individuals, Funding for organisations Latest news and blog