09 Sep 2009

A residency opportunity of two months in Beijing for a performing arts professional is being offered by the Asia New Zealand Foundation.
Beijing is a city developing at a radical pace, and its emerging contemporary art scene consequently shares that characteristic. More and more international artists want to witness this dynamic, and are keen to work and live in such an active but at the same time confusing context.
More information about this opportunity on the Asia NZ website
This residency is available for a period during March - May 2010 and will be hosted by Theatre In Motion Beijing (TIM)/LAB, a cross-disciplinary work space for artists, theorists and researchers with a base in Antwerp, Belgium and Beijing. Find more information about TIM/LAB below.
The residency will provide an artist or researcher linked to the performing arts with the opportunity to temporarily plug into TIM’s research community in Beijing, which consists in the first place of artists, but expands into different disciplines. The focus of the residency will be on process oriented research rather than strictly product-producing research. However, if proven worthwhile and time allows so, the residency might culminate in a small-scale curatorial project, open studio or presentaton set up in collaboration with local partners.
The successful candidate will be provided with a large room in a fully equipped studio apartment to live and work, with all necessary appliances available. The apartment is located downtown Beijing. They will also be granted access to a private working area in the TIM workspace.
The candidate will be required to provide progress reports of their residency to the Asia New Zealand Foundation and to conduct a series of presentations or artists talks in New Zealand upon their return.
Asia:NZ will provide:
- a return economy airfare between New Zealand and Beijing
- a stipend of NZ$40 per day
- the cost of a single entry tourist visa
- a contribution of NZ$300 towards travel insurance.
Applicants must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents and able to exercise a degree of autonomy and self reliance. Professional practising artists with a record of achievement in the theatre arts are invited to submit a written application to Asia New Zealand Foundation by no later than 5pm on Friday, 25 September 2009.
More information about this opportunity on the Asia NZ website
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