30 Nov 2010

But hurry: funding applications close this Friday.
Thanks to all of our friends and "activists" who have already been in touch to tell us about the book events you are organising for March 2011. Here in the New Zealand Book Month office were delighted to hear your plans for some truly inspired events to celebrate New Zealand authors far and wide.
Budding book activists take note … we have money set aside to help
support author events – dont let the cash burn a hole in our pocket!
If youre planning to host an author at your event, we may be able to offer financial support – but we need to have your funding application by 3rd December. This is so we can allocate the funds fairly, and let successful applicants know they can get cracking with their plans this side of Christmas.
Dont worry if you dont have all the details nailed down yet. We know that plans will evolve between now and March, so just let us know where youre at so far.
AND as an extra incentive, we have a special offer for readers of this newsletter … The next 10 people to submit an application for event funding will win a PRIZE from the New Zealand Book Month team!
We have some great reads to give away, and wed love to see them go to deserving homes. So heres how to download your application form:
• Register as an activist at www.nzbookmonth.co.nz – look for the big blue button on the right OR
• Log on using your email address and password (if youve forgotten it, well remind you online)
• Open the "Get Involved" tab, and select the "Toolkit" option
• Click on the third available option: "Receive help with an author…"
• This page explains how New Zealand Book Month will be allocating funding, and outlines the ways that we may be able to help with your event
• Towards the bottom of the page "click here" to download your application form
• Complete the form and email it to me by Friday 3rd December
• Cross your fingers that youre one of the first 10 people to submit your application after reading this newsletter! If youre one of the lucky 10, well be in touch with details of your prize.
And dont forget to plug your event online too!
Get early publicity for your event by posting the details on our website. It doesnt matter if some of the finer details are still being nutted out – you can edit your events at any time between now and March 2011. We want you to use the events calendar to share your plans as they take shape, so that others can get involved and excited. Your ideas could inspire someone else … or bring offers of help your way!
Posting your event online is easy! Heres how:
• Register as an activist at www.nzbookmonth.co.nz – look for the big blue button on the right OR
• Log on using your email address and password (if youve forgotten it, well remind you online)
• Click on the "Events" tab
• Check out the events that are already taking shape around the country – you can view them in calendar or list format
• Click on "My Events" to set up an event of your own
• Once you have completed your details, click "submit"
• Our web editor, Leanne, will check your details and add a generic photograph to your listing if you havent posted one
• Dont stop there – jump on to our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/nzbookmonth and share your plans with even more booklovers!
Events in the spotlight
Looking for inspiration for your book event? Here are some fab ideas from around the country:
Childrens Writing and Illustrating Workshop – Christchurch
Saturday 12 March or Saturday 19 March: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Lucy Davey, author of The Fidgety Itch, and talented illustrator Katz Cowley are teaming up to run a fun workshop with children of 7–10 years. Kids will write and illustrate their own stories, coming home with their very own books!
Live Poets Evening – Hastings
Monday 14 March: from 8.00pm
Hawkes Bay Live Poets will hold their 20th anniversary meeting on 14 March at the Hastings Community Arts Centre. This makes the Live Poets one of the longest-running public poetry groups in New Zealand! Over the years, many life-changing experiences have been shared through poetry. Entry to the evening is free – bring your own original poems or come and listen to the poems of others. A cash bar will be open and guests are invited to bring a plate to contribute to the family atmosphere of the evening.
One Island, One Book – Waiheke
Thursday 24 March: 7.00 – 9.00pm
The team at Waiheke Community Library is encouraging all locals to read the same book during March 2011 – just imagine an island-wide Book Group for New Zealand Book Month. Following their success last year, this time theyve chosen Settlers Creek by Carl Nixon. Readers will descend on a local café to discuss and share their thoughts on the book. Waihekes very own storyteller Tanya Batt will lead the meeting, and Carl Nixon has accepted an invitation to attend the event – a brave act to face a whole community of opinionated readers!
The Great NZ Quiz Night – Christchurch
Monday 28 March: 7.00 – 9.00pm
Special guest MC Joe Bennett will host a quiz night at Elevate Bar in Christchurch. Teams of four can enter for free, with great prizes up for grabs. Joe will be on hand after the quiz to meet fans and sign copies of his new book.
Keep in touch with us, and with fellow New Zealand Book Month-ers
The Book Month buzz is really building in the team and were excited about the way things are coming together. Wed love to hear from you with ideas for events, sudden brainwaves or hot tips for great reads. There are lots of ways to stay in touch, including our website and Facebook page. If youve read something life-changing lately, why not jump onto our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/nzbookmonth and tell everyone about it! Lets start a conversation across the nation … and pass on the joy of books to more and more people.
You can also contact me at beth@nzbookmonth.co.nz to bounce ideas around and brainstorm for your event. And if its funding for an author you need, remember to email me your application by the end of this week: Friday 3rd December.
Thanks again – and happy reading!
Beth Davies
National Co-ordinator
P.S. Have you heard about the competition that Booksellers New Zealand have just launched? Theyre looking for New Zealands most inspiring bookshelf – and the winner will take away a $500 Booksellers Token! Details are available at www.booksellers.co.nz under Book News – or you can follow the link on our homepage at www.nzbookmonth.co.nz.