01 Apr 2014

Creative New Zealand is reviewing how we can best support and develop craft/object and visual arts in New Zealand.
Our reviews will discuss Creative New Zealand’s responsibility for each artform, the activities we fund through our multi-year investment programme Toi Tōtara Haemata (Arts Leadership) and how we prioritise our other funding and capability building initiatives.
We are currently collating information on how each artform is supported through our funding, international and capability building programmes as well as support received from museums, galleries and tertiary institutions.
This information will inform focus group discussions and draft reports.
How will the reviews be done?
In May, Creative New Zealand will host external focus groups made up of representatives from the craft/object and visual arts communities.
The groups will meet separately and together to discuss:
- the range of support provided for each artform
- how our funding and activities should be prioritised over the next five years.
Our research and the results of the focus groups’ discussions will inform separate draft reports on craft/object and visual arts, which will be published online in early June. As that time we will publish the draft reports online and call for feedback on these through online questionnaires.
The results of the questionnaires will then be taken into account in our final reports to the Arts Council on each artform.
Will we know who is in the focus groups?
Yes. The names of people who participated in each of the focus groups will be included in our draft reports.
What will be affected by the reviews?
The reviews are an opportunity for us to consider how Creative New Zealand should prioritise its resources to best support each artform.
For example we will evaluate the key roles funded by Toi Tōtara Haemata, which may be unchanged, amended or replaced when we call for proposals in 2015.
We could also change our funding priorities for Quick Response and Arts Grants and how we provide opportunities, such as residencies.
When will I know the results of the review?
We expect to publish our final reports in August. In the meantime if you would like more information please contact john.mcdavitt@creativenz.govt.nz.