13 Sep 2015

In our March 2015 funding round, Creative New Zealand has offered 97 grants and scholarships to support New Zealand artists, practitioners and arts organisations.
Around three-quarters of the funding in the March round goes to Arts Grants applicants. Arts Grants help New Zealand artists, arts practitioners and arts organisations to create and distribute their work nationally and internationally. They can also support professional and skills development as well as arts projects in the community. Each grant is up to $65,000.
There are two Arts Grants rounds each year with the next round closing on 28 August 2015
In addition to the Arts Grants, we offered six music scholarships and a number of grants under our Toi Ake and Sector Development Incentives programmes.
Funding offered in the March round totalled $2.615 million, which is a little over a quarter of our annual grants funding (including Sector Development Initiatives). More than $5.672 million was requested by 211 applicants.
Further detail on individual grants and scholarships is available through the links below. You can also find out more about how we make these decisions
Arts Grants
83 grants totalling $2,031,748 were offered to support projects by New Zealand artists, practitioners and arts organisations. More than $5.4 million was requested from 177 applications.
Music Scholarships
6 scholarships were offered for overseas study by New Zealand musicians. More than $350,000 was requested from 24 applications.
Toi Ake
Three grants were offered totalling $120,000. Toi Ake is a funding initiative tailored to iwi, hapū, whakapapa-based roopu and maata waka to cultivate and retain heritage Ngā Toi Māori.
Sector Development Incentives (SDI) Fund
Five grants totalling $414,845 were offered to support projects proposed by organisations funded under the Toi Tōtara Haemata and Toi Uru Kahikatea Investment Programmes.