05 Mar 2014

Creative New Zealand’s new governance structure takes effect from 1 May.
This change will not affect our latest Quick Response, Arts Grants and Sector Development Incentives funding rounds. They will be ratified by our current funding bodies of the Arts Board, Te Waka Toi and the Pacific Arts Committee in late April.
For our multi-year investment programmes we expect to follow the peer assessment and decision-making process outlined in the application guidelines for Toi Uru Kahikatea (Arts Development) and call for proposals for Toi Tōtara Haemata (Arts Leadership).
This includes initial artistic and strategic assessments by Creative New Zealand staff and independent external assessors. An independent Investments Advisory Panel will make recommendations to Creative New Zealand’s chief executive before his final recommendations go to the new Arts Council for decision.
The new Arts Council is expected to meet in early May. It may choose to amend this assessment and decision-making process. Applicants will be advised of any change.
Look on our website for information on Creative New Zealand’s new governance structure.
CATEGORIES: Legislation and governance Latest news and blog