07 Aug 2017

- 8–9 September 2017
- City Gallery Wellington
- $150 | $80 concession
This symposium will consider how exhibitions of contemporary Māori art have been curated and how they might be curated in the future. Ranging from marae-centred projects to the Venice Biennale, it will address early and ongoing self-organisation by artists’ collectives and agencies as well as the work of specialist Māori-art curators. Through two dimensions—Tai Ahiahi (reflections) and Tai Awatea (foreseeable directions)—it will explore philosophies and politics, pathways and pragmatics, expectations and responsibilities, ambitions and limitations.
Speakers include Mario A Caro (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Brett Graham, George Hubbard, Robert Jahnke, Ngahiraka Mason, Darcy Nicholas, Piri Sciascia, Huhana Smith, Taarati Taiaroa, Awhina Tamarapa and Tim Walker.
See programme at citygallery.org.nz/events
Enquiries: rebeccaw@experiencewellington.org.nz
Tai Ahiahi///Tai Awatea has been organised by Peter Brunt, Chris Bryant, Robert Leonard, Conal McCarthy, Garry Nicholas, Megan Tamati-Quennell and Anna-Marie White, as a joint project by Toi Māori, City Gallery Wellington, and Victoria University of Wellington, supported by Creative New Zealand and Te Māori Manaaki Taonga Trust.