14 Jan 2014

The Old Public Trust Building Body Corporate announced today that the building has been sold.
The purchaser, Cheops Holdings Limited (Maurice Clark) intends to strengthen and refurbish the building.
Old Public Trust Building Body Corporate spokesperson and Creative New Zealand Chief Executive, Stephen Wainwright, welcomed the sale. "The body corporate looks forward to a new era for this Category 1 heritage-listed building," he said.
Most of the building has been closed since the first Wellington earthquake on 21 July 2013. While its strength has not significantly degraded, structural engineers Dunning Thornton advised occupants not to return due to the damage sustained to parts of the ceiling.
The building sustained further minor damage in the second quake on 16 August 2013.
Built in 1909, the building is listed as category one heritage with the Historic Places Trust. Creative New Zealand’s Wellington office has been in the building since 1985.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Rebecca Lancashire
Senior Communications Adviser, Creative New Zealand
M: +64 27 677 8070
DDI: +64 4 478 0725
Fax: +64 4 471 2865
E: rebecca.lancashire@creativenz.govt.nz
W: creativenz.govt.nz
Or: Kirstyn McKeefry
Wareham Cameron and Co (Property consultants)
DDI: 04 471 0337
M: 021 434 483
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