21 Nov 2013

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Deadline Looms for NZSA Auckland Museum Research Grant 2014

Research opportunity for New Zealand writers is only three weeks away! The Auckland Museum and New Zealand Society of Authors are offering three RESEARCH grants in 2014 to assist writers wishing to undertake research for a writing project.

The grants create an opportunity for three writers to utilise the considerable facilities and resources of the Auckland Museum Library in the development of their fiction or non-fiction manuscript. They comprise one national grant of $3500 (supplemented by an optional 4 weeks of accommodation in Auckland at the Michael King Writers Centre) and two regional grants of $1500 for two Auckland writers.

In 2013 the recipient of the National Research Grant was Whiti Hereaka - a Wellington playwright, novelist, screenwriter and barrister who has been researching for her literary novel Kurangaituku/Bird Woman. While the two local (Auckland) grants of $1500 were awarded to historical biographer and non-fiction writer Diana Harris and historian/writer Angela Lassig.

Application Deadline: 16th December.

The grants were offered for the first time in 2012 in recognition of the value of the Museum to fiction and non-fiction writers. The Library holds one of New Zealand’s major research collections and the breadth and depth of the historical record is well suited to writers’ research. The Library is available for use by the general public, in addition to academics and researchers. 

For application forms, terms and conditions please visit www.authors.org.nz or email office@nzauthors.org.nz 

For further information:
National Office
PO Box 7701, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141  
Tel: (09) 379 4801           
Fax: (09) 379 4802  
Email: director@nzauthors.org.nz