13 Sep 2010

The Minister of Internal Affairs Nathan Guy has announced an extension to the deadline for applications from quake-affected areas to the New Zealand 2011 Festival Lottery Fund.
"The disruption to the Canterbury region means that many groups need extra time to prepare their applications for festival events associated with the Rugby World Cup.
"We want to ensure the Canterbury region has enough time to apply for a share of the $9.5 million available, and extending the deadline will help give Cantabrians a fair go."
The closing date for applications from Christchurch and surrounding quake-affected areas is now 4pm Tuesday 28 September. The closing date for all other areas remains 4pm Friday 17 September.
"The Department of Internal Affairs has had over 100 inquiries into this Fund and I expect many applications from across the country. I encourage local communities to come up with ideas and apply.
"With less than 12 months to go until the Rugby World Cup the momentum is starting to build and the festivals fund will help create even more excitement."
The NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund was established by the Lottery Grants Board in July and there is $9.48 million available to support community events and activities associated with the Rugby World Cup.
Events can include anything from concerts, fairs, exhibitions, street markets and parades taking place as part of the nationwide REAL festival during next years Rugby World Cup, from 9 September to 23 October 2011.
For more information on how you can take part on the REAL New Zealand Festival page on this site, or visit the REAL New Zealand Festival website.
CATEGORIES: Community arts, Funding for organisations, Funding for individuals, International Latest news and blog