05 Jul 2013

This content is tagged as Ngā toi Māori .


Nga Toi Maori Funding Seminar – Whangarei 26 July 2013

Want to know more about the types of funding and support Creative New Zealand offers Ngā Toi Māori (Māori arts)?

Join members of Creative New Zealand’s Māori Arts Funding team for a free hui in Whangarei about funding opportunities for individual artists, hapū and marae.

Haniko Te Kurapa (Manager Māori Arts Funding) and Tumarangai Sciascia (Māori Arts Adviser) will host the seminar. They will also talk about some of the projects in Te Taitokerau that have been supported through Creative New Zealand funding.

Haniko and Tumarangai will be available for questions after the hui.

Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei hui Toi.

When:  Friday 26 July, 11-2pm (kai at 1pm)
Where: May Bain Room, Whangarei Central Library, Whangarei
RSVP: By no later than Tuesday 23 July 2013 to rosie@chartnorth.com

Download the invitation (PDF)

This hui was organised in partnership with Culture Heritage Arts Resource Trust (CHART) and Creative Northland.


For media enquiries, please contact:

Jasmyne Chung
Communications Adviser, Creative New Zealand
T +64 4 498 0727 | M +64 27 838 8868